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Job as Senior Research Fellow in WBUAFS

Clinical research courses

Walk-in-interview will be held on 03.10.2013 in the office of DREF at 12.30 pm for selection of one (1) post of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) for DBT Sponsored scheme under Dr. Samit Kumar Nandi, Reader, Department of Veterinary Surgery & Radiology, WBUAFS, Project Co-ordinator of the project.

Post: Senior Research Fellow (SRF)- 01

Name of the Project: Development of Animal cartilage for surgical implantation in Microtia and Rhinoplasty of human patient

Funding Agency: DBT, Government of India

Project Co-coordinator: Dr. Samit Kumar Nandi, Reader, Department of Veterinary Surgery & Radiology

1. Dr S. N. Joardar, Department of Veterinary Microbiology
2. Dr Subhasish Batabyal, Department of Biochemistry
3. Dr B. K. Biswas, Directorate of Research, Extension and Farms

For professional courses: @ Rs. 18,000/- PM + HRA 30% for first 2 years and 20,000/- PM + HRA 30% for third year
For nonprofessional courses: @ Rs. 16,000/- PM + HRA 30% for first 2 years and 18,000/- PM + HRA 30% for third year for SRF and applicable, only if JRF/SRF is NET qualified. Otherwise, it shall be Rs. 12,000 per month plus 30% for the 1st two years for JRF and Rs. 14,000 per month plus 30% HRA for the 3rd year for SRF.

Minimum Qualification: M.V.Sc /M.Sc Microbiology/ Immunology/ Biotechnology/ Surgery / related area
For M.Sc Microbiology/Immunology/Biotechnology/related background candidate’s NET qualification is mandatory (as per DST norms)

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Age: Maximum 35 years (age relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST candidates and 3 years for OBC candidates)

Tenure of appointment: Up to September, 2016 or termination of the project whichever is earlier. The post is purely temporary and coterminous with the tenure of the project and the appointments, therefore, does not confer any right/claim implicit or explicit for regularization or adsorption against any University post.

Eligible candidates may appear interview with five copies of C.V. and a set of attested copy of all certificates and testimonials along with originals on the date and time mentioned.

1. Crucial date for terminating the age limit, qualification and experience will be the date of interview.
2. Person already employed should produce no objection certificate from their employer at the time of interview.
3. Mere fulfilling the minimum prescribed qualification and experience will not vest a right in a candidate for being selected.
4. The University reserves absolute right to cancel the programme of recruitment for the post with any prior notice and without assigning any reason thereof.
5. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for attending the interview.
6. Canvassing in any form and /or bringing any influence will be treated as disqualification.

Memo No: WBUAFS/DREF/Res/ARF (Pt.III)/168


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