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Invites TRIP & SPICE Student Project Proposals (2013-2014) in VGST

Clinical research courses

The Vision Group on Science and Technology (VGST) was constituted in October 2008 under the Chairmanship of distinguished scientist Prof. C.N.R. Rao, F.R.S., National Research Professor and Chairman - Science Advisory Council to Hon’ble Prime Minister of India. VGST is functioning under the aegis of Department of Information Technology, Biotechnology and Science & Technology, Government of Karnataka.

This Programme is to provide an opportunity to encourage for Engineering Students (UG & PG) to fabricate, design and develop prototype model with VGST grant (upto Rs 40,000/- per project). The TRIP projects areas includes: Electronics ,Computer Science, Electrical, Automobile, Mechanical Telecommunication, Biotechnology, Civil & Chemical Engineering. (Only 45 TRIP proposals will be selected for the FY 2013 – 14).

This programme is to provide an opportunity to Science Students (UG & PG) to practically work on innovative scientific ideas with VGST grant (upto Rs 30,000/- per project). The main objective of SPICE programme is to inculcate research culture and to encourage students to pursue career in basic sciences among science students. The SPICE projects areas includes: Chemical Sciences, Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Environmental Sciences & Pharmaceutical Sciences. (Only 40 SPICE proposals will be selected for the FY 2013 – 14).

Interested Engineering and Science students can submit TRIP/SPICE proposals to VGST in the prescribed format which is available in the VGST website TRIP/SPICE proposal can be sent to Dr.S.Ananthraj Executive Secretary, Vision Group on Science and Technology (VGST), Department of Information Technology, Biotechnology and Science & Technology, 5th floor, 5th Stage, Karnataka Government Secretariat, M.S. Building, Dr. Ambedkar Veedhi, Bangalore-01. The Students have to submit only one copy of proposal to VGST on or before 7th OCT 2013.

The selection of proposals will be made by a committee based on the technological innovation, social relevance and skill component involved in the submitted proposals. The list of selected TRIP & SPICE proposals will be announced before the first week of November – 2013 in the VGST website.

It is also mandatory for the selected students to complete the TRIP/SPICE programme within the allocated VGST grant, in a duration of five months and they need to submit Project Report (PR), Audited Utilization Certificate (AUC) and Expenditure Statement (ES) to VGST by 31st-March-2014.


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