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Opening Junior Research Fellow in in a DST funded project at Bharathidasan University

Clinical research courses

Bharathidasan University established in February 1982, and was named after the great revolutionary Tamil Poet, Bharathidasan (1891-1968). The motto of the University "We will create a brave new world". The University endeavours to be true to such a vision by creating in the region a brave new world of academic innovation for social change"(NAAC, - 2005, p.69). The year 2006-07 is the Silver Jubilee year for this great and vibrant University.

Post: Junior Research Fellow

Applications are invited in plain paper with latest curriculum vitae having recent passport size photograph along with attested copy of Mark statements, degree certificate, community certificate and experience certificate for a JRF position (@ 16,000+HRA/pm) in a DST funded project entitled “Identification of molecular markers to establish the transmission dynamics of leptospirosis in rural and urban environments” for a period of two years on purely temporary basis. Please specify the title of the project in the application.

Eligibility: Applicants should hold a M.Sc. degree (with at least 55%) in Microbiology/ Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/ Life sciences with CSIR-NET / ICMR JRF qualification. Age must be below 30 years as on 10.10.2013.

The applications should be sent to Dr. K. Natarajaseenivasan, Principal Investigator – DST Project, Department of Microbiology, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli – 620 024, Tamil Nadu on or before 10th October 2013 by 5 PM. Short listed candidates will be called for interview and no TA/DA will be provided for attending the same.


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