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Applications are invited for the following posts Dispenser-cum-Pharmacist (3 posts), Attendants (4 posts) in Guru Nanak Dev University

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited for the following posts on the prescribed application form so as to reach this office latest by 14-10-2013. Cost of application form for Class 'A' posts(Sr. Nos. 1 to 10) will be Rs.500/-( Rs.250/-for Handicapped Persons ) and Class 'B' posts (Sr.No.11 to 32) Rs.400/- (Rs.200/-for Handicapped Persons). Application form, Academic Performance Indicator (API) based Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS) Proforma are available only at the University Website: Candidates are required to submit the downloaded application form, duly filled-in in all respects. Cost of application form can either be deposited with the University Cashier or through a crossed A/c Payee Bank Draft of Rs.500/ ( Rs.250/-for Handicapped Persons) -for Class 'A' Posts at Sr. No. 1 to 10 and Rs.400/-(Rs.200/-for Handicapped Persons) for others posts in favour of the "REGISTRAR, GURU NANAK DEV UNIVERSITY, AMRITSAR " payable at Amritsar.

Post: Dispenser-cum-Pharmacist, Attendants

Dispenser-cum-Pharmacist(University Health Centre) -3 (Gen-2, SC-1)
(Pay Scale: Rs.10300-34800+4200 GP initial Basic Pay Rs.16290)
1) Diploma in Pharmacy after 10+2 with 5 years experience in Health Centres of Govt./Semi Govt. Bodies/Corporation/ Autonomous Bodies/Hospital of repute having at least 50 beds.
Diploma in Pharmacy after Matriculation with 8 years experience in Health Centres of Govt./Semi Govt. Bodies/Corporation/ Autonomous Bodies/Hospital of repute having at least 50 beds.
2) Knowledge of Punjabi upto Matric standard is essential.
3) Job is residential in nature and stay on the campus is mandatory.

Attendants (University Health Centre) – 4(Gen-3, SC-1)
(Pay Scale: Rs.4900-10680+1650GP)
1) 10+2 with 2 years experience as attendant/dresser in dental clinic / Operation Theatre / Casulty Wards in Health Centres/ Hospitals of Govt. /Semi Govt. Bodies/Corporation/Autonomous bodies private nursing homes.
10+2 with any of the paramedical diplomas i.e Diploma in Pharmacy/Medical Lab. Technology/ General Nursing or Diploma in Computer Applications/ Computer Engineering / Multipurpose worker.
2) Knowledge of Punjabi upto Matric Standard is essential.
3) Job is residential in nature and the person selected will be required to stay on the campus for emergency duty during night .

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1. Copy of Circular containing detailed instructions, qualifications, etc. for the posts, is available only at the University Website:
2. Persons already in service must send their applications through their employer. All those candidates working in organizations/institutions including affiliated colleges of the university may be allowed to appear in interview without No Objection Certificate with the condition that in case the candidate is selected, no extension in joining time will be allowed. Such candidates are required to give an undertaking on the format available on university website: All such candidates will be given standard joining time i.e. one month from the issuance of appointment letter.
3. The candidates are required to apply separately for each post earmarked for each Deptt. / Station.
4. Incomplete applications in any respect or without the prescribed fee or received after the due date will not be entertained.
5. University reserves the right to fill or not to fill up the posts and to call only suitable candidates for interview.
6. The number of posts can be increased or decreased before the interview.
7. C.V. of any candidate can be placed before the Selection Committee at the time of Interview.
8. IMPORTANT: Applicants for the posts of Librarian/Director Physical Education & Sports /Deputy Librarian/Deputy Director Physical Education & Sports must attach the Academic Performance Indicator (API) based Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS) Proforma as indicative Appendix-III Table-V(C)/VIII(C) (duly filled-in all respects by them) and attested copies of supporting documents, with their applications.
9. A minimum score of 300 points for the post of Deputy Librarian/ Deputy Director Physical Education & Sports /equivalent cadres and 400 points for Librarian/ Director Physical Education & Sports/equivalent cadres from category III of APIs are required as set out in UGC Regulations (2nd Amendment) 2013 vide UGC letter No.F.1-2/2009(ECPS)Pt.V(I) Vol.II dated 14 June,2013.
10. Practical/Written Test will be held wherever necessary.
11. Candidates claiming Backward Class Category will submit the photo copy of their latest valid BC certificate issued by the competent authority.

Last Date for Receipt of Applications: 14.10.2013

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