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Clinical research courses

The Government of Andhra Pradesh has established Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies (RGUKT) in 2008 to cater to the educational needs of the meritorious rural youth of Andhra Pradesh. Three campuses of RGUKT (fully residential) were started under the University, one each at Basar (Adilabad Dt), Nuzvid (Krishna Dt), Rajiv Knowledge Valley, Idupulapaya (YSR Kadapa Dt).

RGUKT invites on line applications from qualified and eligible candidates for filling up the following non-teaching positions on contractual basis for a tenure of one year extendable depending on the requirement and performance of the candidates selected.

Name of the Position: Pharmasist-6 positions, 2 each at RGUKT campuses Basar, Nuzvid and RK Valley

Consolidated salary per month: Rs. 10,000/-pm

Essential qualifications: D.Pharmacy with 2 years experience or B.Pharmacy from a recognized University

* a) The vacancy position mentioned above is likely to vary depending on the actual requirement as on the date of selections.
b) Rule of reservation is applicable as per the AP State Government rules in vogue for recruitment, i.e. BC-25%, BC-E 4%, SC- 15%, ST- 6% and Women- 33%.
c) Eligible in-service candidates from National and State Universities/Govt. Departments/Organizations may apply, and if selected they are entitled for pay protection. Alternatively such candidates may also join on deputation basis. Retired employees below the age of 65 years may also apply whose pay, if selected, will be fixed as per RGUKT norms by taking into account of their last pay drawn and pension.

* The prescribed qualifications and experience etc. are minimum and the mere fact that a candidate possesses the same will not entitle him/her for being called for interview. The RGUKT reserves the right to restrict the candidates to be called for interview to a reasonable number on the basis of qualifications and or experience/percentage of marks higher than the minimum prescribed. It is also open to the RGUKT to consider on its own, names of the suitable highly qualified/experienced candidates (under extra ordinary situations), who might not have applied. However, the candidates cannot claim it as a matter of right. The RGUKT reserves the right to fill or not to fill the above notified vacancies

* Call letters to attend interview will be sent only to the short listed candidates by E-mail or SMS or Speed Post or Registered Post or Courier service. No
correspondence will be entertained with applicants who are not short-listed/not called for interview.

* The candidates working in other organizations/ Universities intending to work on deputation/lien basis should apply through proper channel with a clear no objection certificate from the employer stating that there will not be any objection to relieve the candidate at short notice in case of selection.


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How to apply:
a. The interested candidates can apply online at University official Web Site i.e.
b. After applying online the candidates should take a print out of the application and send the same along with registration fee mentioned at para (8) below and copies of certificates mentioned at para(9) below:

Registration fee:
a) Registration fee of Rs. 200 for OC/BC
b) SC/ST/PH/In-service candidates are exempted from payment of registration fee
c) Candidates already in service and applying through proper channel are not required to pay any registration fee
d) Mode of Payment:
i. Applicants may transfer the registration fee mentioned at para 9 above into RGUKT Account No 053310100009363 (IFS code No. ANDB0000533) Andhra Bank, Saifabad Branch Hyderabad and enclose transfer slip with the application towards registration fee (non refundable). Separate transfer slip must be submitted if a candidate wants to apply for more than one post. The transfer slip must be tagged at the top of the application. Name of the candidate and post applied for should be indicated on the reverse side of the transfer slip.

Or Alternatively

ii. Applicants may also enclose a crossed Demand draft for the amount mentioned at para 9 above drawn on any Nationalized Bank in favor of Registrar, Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies, IIIT Campus Hyderabad payable at Hyderabad (A.P). Separate demand draft must be submitted if a candidate wants to apply for more than one post. The demand draft must be tagged at the top of the application. Name of the candidate and post applied for should be indicated on the reverse side of the Demand draft.

Applications received without either transfer slip or Demand draft will not be considered

Proof of eligibility i.e. Xerox copies of certificates duly attested in support of Qualifications, Experience , testimonials and Memorandum of Marks should be attached to the print out of the on line application. Finally, after attending the requirement mentioned above, candidates are required to send the application in a good envelope (Please write on the top left side of the envelope the advertisement no. Name of the post, etc. ) addressed to the Registrar, Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies, Vindya C-4 Building, IIIT campus Gachibowli, Hyderabad-500032” on or before 29.9.2012

Important Dates:
a. Opening date of online registrations 14.9.2012
b. Closing date of online registrations: 28.9.2012
c. Last date of receipt of hard copies of applications with enclosures : 1.10.2012

Advertisement No.:05/2012

Constituted under the Act 18 of 2008
Vindya-C4, IIIT-Hyderabad campus.
Gachibowli, Hyderabad – 500032.

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