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Multiple Vacancies in Staff Selection Commission | Technician, Research Assistant, Senior Research Assistant, Botanical Assistant, TAXIDERMIST GRADE -III, Zoo-Ranger, SCIENTIFIC ASSISTANT-I - 28 posts

Clinical research courses

The Staff Selection Commission is functioning under the Department of Personnel & Training, Government of India. Initially known as Subordinate Services Commission, it was set up on 1 July 1976 primarily to make recruitment on zonal basis for non-technical Group C posts under the Central Government, except the post for which recruitment was made by Railway Service Commission and the industrial establishments. The functions of the Staff Selection Commission have been enlarged from time to time and now it carries out the recruitment for Group B posts also under the Central Government.  Thus, the Commission recruits for the major work force of the Central Government. This segment constitutes the most vital part of the Government machinery; the posts for which  it makes recruitment are at the grass root level which interact with the public and interfaces with the implementation of the Government’s policies.

in O/o National Centre for Disease Control, Delhi.
Pay Scale: Rs.9300-34800 with G.P. Rs. 4200/- (Group-B, Non-Gazetted)
Vacancy: 13 (UR-8, OBC-04 & SC-01)
PH (OH/HH) candidates are also eligible for this post.
Age: 18-25 years
EQ: Science Graduate in Biology/Biochemistry/Microbiology.
D.Q. One year’s practical experience in Medical and Biology Laboratory.
J.R.- To assist in Research work/Health Programmes. Field visit during epidemic, Testing of samples in
Laboratory etc.
I.P. Delhi and Alwar (Rajasthan) with AISL.

Research Assistant
in O/o National Centre for Disease Control, DGHS, Delhi.
Pay Scale: Rs.9300-34800 with G.P. Rs. 4200/- (Group-B, Non-Gazetted)
Vacancy: 08(UR-03, OBC-03 & SC-02, including 01vacancy reserved for HH)
PH (OH/HH) candidates are also eligible for this post.
Age: 18-30 years
EQ: A Master’s Degree in Zoology/ Microbiology /Biochemistry.
D.Q. Two years’ practical experience in Medical/Research Laboratory.
J.R.- To assist in Research Work/Health Programmes, Field visits during epidemic etc.


Senior Research Assistant
in O/o Central Water Commission, NOIDA
Pay Scale: Rs.9300-34800/- + G.P. Rs. 4200/- (Group-B, Non-Gazetted)
Vacancy: 01 (OBC)
PH (OH/VH/HH) candidates are not eligible for this post.
Age: 18-28 years
EQ: Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from a recognised University or equivalent.
D.Q. Nil.
J.R.- Collection and analysis of Water samples for parameters viz. physio-chemical,
Microbiological including Trace & Toxic, Total carbon pesticides & insecticides etc. Collection of sediment samples and their analysis where required. Physical determinations like wet density, sp. Gravity, Mechanical analysis of river bed samples etc.
I.P. Jaipur with AISL.


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Botanical Assistant
in O/o Botanical Survey of India, Jodhpur.
Pay Scale: Rs.9300-34800/- + G.P. Rs. 4200/- (Group-B, Non-Gazetted)
Vacancy: 02 (UR-01& OBC-01)
PH (OH/HH/VH) candidates are not eligible for this post.
Age: 18-30 years
EQ: (i) M. Sc. in Botany or 1st Class B.Sc. (Hons) Degree in Botany or 2nd Class B.Sc. with Botany with 3 years experience ;and
ii) Aptitude for systematic Botany as evidenced by having taken special papers in the subject 10 Assistant Curator (Pre Columbian and Western Art) 01 (OBC)
having research or field experience.
D.Q. Experience of plant collection in the field. Ability to write reports of Scientific nature.
J.R.- To assist in Scientific Research and prepare proper scientific Reports on field & on herbarium specimen. Identification and cataloguing of flora and studying them in the various aspects on the field as well as in the herbarium and laboratory. To undertake field excursions, collection of plants in  live condition and preservation of dried specimens in the herbarium cultivation of plants in nursery and
other cultural media.
I.P. Jodhpur (Rajasthan).

in O/o Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata.
Vacancies: 01 (Reserved for HH with Partial Deaf only)
PS: Rs.5200-20200+Grade Pay Rs.2800/-
Age: 18-25 years, (Age Relaxation upto 35 years for Central Govt. Civil Employee)
EQ: (i) Must have passed Matriculation or equivalent examination.
(ii) Ability to prepare skins and skeletons of animal for study or exhibition purpose.
J.R.:- Practical Experience of the use of firearms and Experience of collection and preservation of zoological specimens.
IP : Jodhpur with AISL

in National Zoological Park, New Delhi.
Pay Scale: Rs.5200-20200/- + G.P. Rs. 2800/- (Group-C)
Vacancy: 02 (UR)
PH (OH/VH/HH) candidates are not eligible for this post.
Age: 18-27 years (35 years for CGCE)
EQ: 1. B.Sc. Degree in Zoology from a recognised University or equivalent; and
2. Two years’ experience in looking after wildlife in Zoos/Sanctuaries.
D.Q.: Nil.
J.R.: To supervisor the cleanliness and maintenance work of enclosures cages, houses and surrounding. To ensure daily opium and supply ration and water to the animals and birds. Submitting ration and requisitions according to the need. To record and report daily on held, breeding and feeding condition or the animals and birds. Taking all measures for their up keeping and breeding well, etc.
I.P.: New Delhi.

in Directorate of Plant Protection Quarantine & Storage, Faridabad.
Pay Scale: Rs.5200-20200/- + G.P. Rs. 2800/- (Group-C)
Vacancy: 01 (SC)
PH (OH/HH/VH) candidates are not eligible for this post.
Age: 18-25 years
EQ: B. Sc. in Agriculture.
D.Q.: Nil.
J.R.: To assist in conducting surveys to monitor insect pests, diseases and weed situation of various crops in the fields. To assist in popularising Integrated Pest Management Techniques at farmers’ field for the benefit of farmers and others duties in Laboratry, at Plant Quarantine Stations, at Locust Warning Offices & at Field Station .
I.P. New Delhi with AISL.

Note 1: Qualifications are relaxable at the discretion of the Staff Selection Commission for all the above categories of posts for those candidates who are otherwise well qualified (i.e., who possess higher qualification(s)) , if sufficient number of candidates is not found fulfilling requisite Essential Qualification(s) for the posts concerned.

Note 2: The qualifications regarding experience is relaxable for all the above categories of posts at the discretion of SSC in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes, if at any stage of selection the SSC is of the opinion that sufficient number of candidates from these communities possessing the requisite experience are not likely to be available to fill up vacancies reserved for them.

UR: Unreserved, OBC: Other Backward Classes, SC: Scheduled Caste, ST: Scheduled Tribe, Ex-S.: Ex-Serviceman, PH : Physically Handicapped, OH: Orthopedically Handicapped, HH: Hearing Handicapped, VH: Visually handicapped, IPO: Indian Postal Order, CRFS: Central Recruitment Fee Stamps, Deg. : Degree, Dip.: Diploma, Equiv.: Equivalent, Profi-test: Proficiency Test, Recog.: Recognized, AISL: All India Service Liability, Univ.: University, Instt.: Institute, Insttn.: Institution, M/o: Ministry of, D/o: Department of, O/o: Office of, PC: Post Code, PS: Pay Scale, IP: Initial Posting, EQ: Essential Qualification, DQ: Desirable Qualification, JR: Job Requirement, CGCE :Central Government Civilian Employee.

FEE PAYABLE: Rs. 50/- (Rupees fifty only) for each post.
Note: Candidate must submit separate applications and pay the fee separately for each post in case they wish to apply for more than one post.

Mode of payment: CRFS only
Candidates are advised to pay the Examination fee in the shape of CRFS for which they are not to pay any commission. These stamps are available at all District Post Offices of the Country. These Recruitment Stamps may be pasted in the space ear-marked for the purpose. Recruitment Stamps must be got cancelled from the counter clerk of any post office including the issuing post office with the date stamp of post office in such a manner that the impression is clear and distinct to facilitate the identification of the date and the post office of issue at any subsequent stage. After getting the Recruitment Fee Stamps cancelled from the post office, the candidate may submit the application to: -
NEW DELHI – 110504

in the usual manner after completing other formalities.
NOTE: Fee paid by IPO, Cash, Bank draft or Pay order will NOT be accepted.

No fee for SC, ST, PH, Ex-Serviceman and Female candidates. However, no fee concession would be admissible to Ex-serviceman who would otherwise be considered as General candidate in terms of Note-2 of ANNEXURE-I of Instructions. Such candidates would be required to pay the requisite fee for the examination. Fee concession is not admissible to sons, daughters & dependents of Ex-S. Service Clerks in the last year of their colour service are not exempted from payment of fee. Remission of fee may be allowed to those repatriates from Kuwait/Iraq who are not in a position to pay it.

AGE RELAXATION: Available to certain categories are given in Annexure-I.

Mere fulfilling of minimum prescribed qualifications, etc. will not entitle candidates to be called for the interview. Commission may make a preliminary shortlisting of candidates with respect to number of posts on the basis of their educational qualifications, academic records, percentage of marks, etc., and the candidates thus selected will be required to undergo an Interview/ Personality Test of 100 marks.

SCREENING TEST : The Commission may, at its discretion also decide to hold a screening test for any of the categories where it is felt necessary before Interview/Proficiency Test.
Only such candidates who qualify in the screening test at the standard fixed by the Commission at its discretion, would be made eligible for being called for Interview.

The Commission may, at its discretion, also decide to hold a Proficiency Test in appropriate subject for any one of the categories of posts where it is felt necessary, before the candidates are called for interview. The Proficiency Test would be in the relevant subject, which will be intimated to the candidates in due course of time.

The Commission may at its discretion, waive holding of Proficiency Test in those categories of posts where a proficiency-test has been prescribed.

* Applications must be submitted in the form published in the Employment News / Rozgar Samachar/Commission’s Website. Candidate must submit separate applications and pay the fee separately for each post in case they wish to apply for more than one post.
* Applications submitted on a format which is not exactly the same as published in this advertisement, are liable to be rejected summarily. 6.3 The applications should be addressed to: -
NEW DELHI – 110504


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CLOSING DATE: Last Date for the receipt of applications is 12.10.2012 (5.00 PM). (19.10.2012) in case of candidates residing in and posting their applications from Lahaul & Spiti Distt. and Pangi Sub- Div. of Chamba Distt. of Himachal Pradesh, Andman & Nicobar Island, Lakshadweep, Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram or Arunachal Pradesh etc.).

i. Central Recruitment Fee stamps affixed on the application form and clearly cancelled.
ii. Attested copies of SC/ST/PH/Ex-S Certificate for claiming Fee concession.
iii. One recent passport size photograph, to be pasted (NOT STAPLED) on the space provided in Application form. Similar copies of the pasted photo shall be retained by the candidate for pasting on the Attendance Certificate during interview later.
iv. One self-addressed post card duly affixed with an additional Rs.6/- postage stamp. The candidate must indicate the name of the post, Post Code and Advt. No. on the postcard.
v. Documents in favour of claim of SC/ST/OBC/OH/HH/ExS/Disabled persons.
vi. Attested copies of certificates & Year-wise/Semester-wise mark sheets showing age and educational qualifications. Candidates have also the option to self-attest the photocopies of various documents submitted by him/her. Any wrong attestation so as to mislead the Commission or to gain access to the recruitment would lead to criminal/debar action against the candidate, besides cancellation of the candidature. All original certificates will be checked at the time of interview/personality test/skill test, as the case may be, and the candidature is subject to the result of such scrutiny.
vii. Documents in support of claim of age-relaxation (for categories not covered in item (v) above).
viii. Attested copies of experience certificates containing specific field(s) & period, if any.
ix. Candidates in Govt. Service are to attach an undertaking that they have informed in writing their head of office/deptt. that they have applied for the examination. Candidates in Govt. Service who are seeking age relaxation have to submit a certificate from their employer as per Appendix-V alongwith application that they are in possession of three years regular and continuous service as on or before the closing date, failing which application will be rejected.

NOTE-I :- The closing date for receipt of application will be treated as the date of reckoning for OBC status of the candidate and also, for assuming that the candidate does not fall in the Creamy layer on the reckoning date. The candidate should furnish the relevant OBC certificate in the format prescribed for Central Govt. jobs as per Appendix-IV issued by competent authority on or before the Closing date stipulated in the Notice. Candidates claiming OBC status may not that the certificate on Creamy Layer status should have been obtained within 3 years before the closing date. Candidates furnishing OBC certificate in proforma/format other than the prescribed format as given in Appendix –IV will be summarily rejected.

NOTE-II :- OBC certificate for the purpose of age relaxation will mean “ PERSONS OF OBC CATEGORY NOT BELONGING TO CREAMY LAYER” as defined in DOPT’s OM No. 36012/22/93-Estt(SCT) dated 08.09.1993 and modified vide DOPT’s OM No. 36033/3/2004-Estt(Res) dated 09.03.2004. )

* Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate.
* A candidate should submit only one application against a particular post advertised. However, separate application can be submitted against different Post advertised.
* Candidate must submit separate applications and pay the fee separately for each post in case they wish to apply for more than one post. Candidates should also note that one envelope should contain application of one candidate only. The candidate must indicate the name of the Post, Post Cat. No. and Advt. No. on the envelope.
* Submission of certificate in support of Date of Birth : Candidate should note that the date of Birth as recorded in the Matriculation/Secondary Examination Certificate OR an equivalent certificate will be accepted by the Commission and no subsequent request for its change will be considered or granted.

Submission of certificate(s) in support of Essential Qualifications:
(i) Post(s) requiring proficiency in the relevant language as an essential qualification means that the candidate must have studied in that language/dialect upto Matric level and in case the relevant language/dialect is not taught as a subject in Matric, the said language/dialect must be the mother-tongue of the candidate or he/she should have the “working knowledge” which shall be determined by the Staff Selection Commission.
(ii) Documents in favour of claim of SC/ST/OBC/OH/HH/ ExS/Disabled persons must be in prescribed proforma only .
(iii) For posts where an experience in a particular field/discipline for a specific period has been indicated as an essential qualification, in such cases the candidates should submit a certificate in support of their claim of experience in that field/discipline.

* If the required documents are not submitted along with the application, application will be rejected summarily at any stage of the recruitment process and no request for revival will be considered.

* Incomplete or unsigned applications or applications without photograph/fee or late applications will be rejected summarily.

* Only attested or self attested copies of certificates are required to be sent. The ORIGINAL CERTIFICATES must not be sent with the application. All copies should be legible. Applications with illegible copies of certificates will be rejected summarily.

* SC/ST candidates called for interview will be paid TA as per Government orders. No TA will be paid for Proficiency-Test/Screening Test, if held on a day other than that of Interview.

* All candidates in Govt. service whether in a permanent or in temporary capacity or as work charged employees other than casual or daily rated employees, or those serving under Public Enterprises, will be required to submit an undertaking that they have informed in writing to their Head of Office/Department that they have applied for the Examination. These departmental candidates may send their applications directly to the Commission after intimating to their Head of Office/Department and need not send another copy through proper channel. However, in case, they decide to send a copy through proper channel, they must ensure that the application complete in all respects reaches at the following address by the closing date:
NEW DELHI – 110504.


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Applications shall be rejected if received late and/or are not complete in all respects as provided in the rules.

Candidates should note that in case a communication is received from their employer by the Commission withholding permission to the candidate applying to appear at the examination, their applications shall be rejected/candidature shall be cancelled.

* A candidate should minutely go through all the provisions in the notice to ensure that he/she is eligible for the post for which he/she is applying in terms of requirements of age, educational qualifications, experiences etc. as on crucial date i.e. closing date of application (12.10.2012).

No persons:
(a) who has entered into or contacted a marriage with a person having spouse living; or
(b) who having a spouse living has entered into or contracted a marriage with any person, shall be eligible for appointment to service.

Provided that Central Government may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and the other party to the marriage and there are other grounds for so doing, exempt any person from the operation of this rule.

* A candidate must be in good mental and physical health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the efficient discharge of his duties as an Officer of the service. A candidate who after such medical examination as may be prescribed by the competent authority, is found not satisfying these requirements, will not be appointed.

* Any dispute in regard to this recruitment will be subject to Courts/Tribunals having jurisdiction over the place of the concerned Regional Office of the Staff Selection Commission where the candidate has submitted the application, is situated. In the instant case Delhi Jurisdiction is applicable.

* A person who is applying for the above mentioned posts have to be free from any Civil/Criminal cases and etc. till the offer of appointment issued to them.


1. It may be noted that the Commission uses Common Application Form for its recruitment. Please go through the notice for the Recruitment and also these instructions carefully before applying for any of the post mentioned in the Notice. You must satisfy yourself that you are eligible for the post for which you are applying.

2. Use only blue/black pen for filling up the Application Form.

3. Instruction have been given for most items in the application itself which should be gone through carefully before filling up the boxes. For items for which instructions are not available or require further clarification, further instruction given below may be gone through carefully.

4. Column 10 may be filled up carefully. Ex-Servicemen candidates are also required to fill up columns 10 and 10.1

5. PH candidates are required to fill up Columns 10, 11, 11.1 as may be applicable.

6. Column No. 12.1 – Refer to Annexure-I for Code for claiming age relaxation.

7. For all categories age as on normal closing date for receipt of applications should be indicated.

8. For Column 16,16.1, 17,17.1 ,18 & 18.1, refer to Appendix VII &VIII. Candidates who possess any educational qualification or studied any subject other than those mentioned in the list at Appendix VII & VIII may use Others for qualifications and/or subject code.

9. Candidates should read carefully the Essential Qualification required for the post for which they are applying and ensure that they fulfill the same in Column16, !6.1 & 16.2. Documents in support of Essential Qualifications should invariably be furnished along with the application failing which the applications will be summarily rejected. Candidates who possess higher qualification(s) in addition to Essential Qualification may indicate their higher qualification(s) in column 18 & 18.1.

10. Column No. 19: Write the details of your work experience, if any.

11. Column No. 20: Write your complete communication address including your Name in English in capital letters or in Hindi with blue/ black ball pen. Do not forget to write 6 digit PIN in the boxes.

12. Column No. 21: Paste your recent photograph of size 4cmx5cm. Do not staple and do not get the photo attested. Please note that your application shall be rejected summarily without photograph.

13. Column No. 22 & 25: Please do sign in running hand not in capital letters. Unsigned applications will be rejected. Signature in capital letters of English shall not be accepted and your application shall be summarily rejected. Variations in the signature will render the application liable to be rejected.

ADVT. NO. NR/1/2012

CLOSING DATE: 12.10.2012

Application Form

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