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Application are invited for the post of Scientific Assistant, Laboratory Assistant (Research) in HPSSSB

Clinical research courses

Applications on the prescribed Proforma, in sealed covers, are invited for the following posts under the Government of Himachal Pradesh so as to reach the Secretary, Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Board, Hamirpur (Himachal Pradesh) PIN-177001 on or before 15.10.2012. However, for the candidates residing in Lahaul & Spiti District, Kinnaur District, Pangi & Bharmour Sub-Divisions of Chamba District and Dodra Kwar Sub-Division of Shimla District of Himachal Pradesh, the last date for receipt of applications is 30.10.2012. The applications received after these dates will not be entertained. The Board will not be responsible for delay in receipt of applications due to any reasons what so ever.

Post: Scientific Assistant, Laboratory Assistant (Research)

Scientific Assistant Gen(UR)-01 Total=01
Post Code: 337
Pay Scale:
Scientific Assistant (On Contract basis) at minimum of the Pay Band of Rs. 10300-34800+3800 Grade Pay. (Contractual Amount Rs. 14,100/- per month )
Note :
The requisition for the post of Scientific Assistant, if any received up to 31st December 2012 shall also be included in the present number of post.
Essential Qualifications:

Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy/Bachelor Degree in Science with Chemistry as one of the subject or its equivalent from a recognized University/Institution.
Desirable: Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh.

Scope and sequence of tests.:
1. Objective type screening test (MCQ) consisting of General knowledge including Himachal Pradesh, Current Affairs, Everyday Science, Logic, General English & General Hindi of 10+2 standard. =200 Marks
2. Interview of those who qualify the objective type test. = 30 Marks

Laboratory Assistant (Research) Gen (UR)= 01 Total= 01
Post Code: 345
Pay Scale:
Laboratory Assistant (Research) on Contract Basis in the
pay band of Rs. 5910-20200+1900 Grade Pay. (Contractual amount Rs. 7810/- per month).
Note :
The requisition for the post of Laboratory Assistant (Research), if any received up to 31st December 2012 shall also be included in the present number of post.
Essential Qualifications:

Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy/ Bachelor Degree in Science with Chemistry as one of the subject or its equivalent from a recognized University or from an Institution duly recognized by the HP/Central Government.
Desirable: Knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of H. P. and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh.

Scope and sequence of tests.:
1. Objective type screening test (MCQ) consisting of general knowledge including Himachal Pradesh, Current Affairs, Everyday Science, Logic, general English and general Hindi of Matric standard and some questions on Pharmacy and Chemistry. =200 Marks
2. Interview of those who qualify the objective type test. = 30 Marks

Age : The applicant should be between 18 to 45 years as on 01-01-2012. Upper age limit is relaxable by five years for candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Other Backward Classes, Persons with disabilities & Children/Grand Children of Freedom Fighters of Himachal Pradesh. The upper age relaxation is also available to Ex-servicemen candidates of H.P. as per provision of relevant rules/instructions of H.P. Govt.


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Fee : The fee is already included in the cost of application form.
Note :- Ex-Servicemen and visually handicapped candidates are exempted from examination fee. However Ex-Servicemen released on their own request are not entitled for fee exemption.

Application Forms: - Application forms are available in all the post offices/sub post offices of Himachal Pradesh and other outlets of authorized dealers in Himachal Pradesh. The cost of application form is ` 320/- for General Category Candidates and ` 110/- for reserved categories.
Note: - The fee is included in the cost of application form.

Documents to be sent with the application Form
1. One window envelope (made available in the packet of application form) after affixing postal stamps of Rs. 6/- or of prevalent rate.
2. One passport size recent photograph (Not to be attested) of the candidate pasted on prescribed box in the Application form.
3. Acknowledgement Card (made available in the packet of application form) after affixing postal stamps of Rs. 6/- or of prevalent rate after writing self-address thereon.

General Instructions:
1. The candidate must apply on the prescribed Application form costing Rs. 320/- (For General Category) and Rs. 110/- (for reserved categories) obtainable from the Post Offices/ Sub-Post Offices and other authorized Sale Agents situated at
various district head quarters and towns of H.P.
2. Separate Application form should be used for each post code & only one Application may be sent in one envelope.
3. The Application form should be filled in by the candidate in his/her own handwriting with blue/black ink ball point pen.
4. The candidate must fulfill all the required essential educational and other qualifications mentioned against each code on the last date fixed for the submission/receipt of application forms.
5. The candidate shall write his/her name as per the matriculation certificate in the relevant column of the application form.
6. Incomplete application forms e. g. declaration not signed, without photo and enclosures i. e. Acknowledgement Card, window envelope etc. not attached and columns not filled in or applications received after the due date shall be rejected
summarily without assigning any reason.
7. In-service candidates shall be required to produce the N.O.C. from the concerned department at the time of personal interview. They should send their original applications direct to the Board under intimation to their controlling officer.
8. The Candidates selected for appointment to various posts on Contract basis will have to execute a contract with the concerned appointing authority as per the provisions of the Recruitment & Promotion Rules of the post.
9. The amount of fee has been included in the cost of Application Form. Hence the candidates need not attach any fee with the Application.
10. Candidates claiming fee concession and applying on subsidized forms costing Rs. 110/- should possess a valid certificate of the respective category as on the last date of submission of application & the copy of the certificate is required at the
time of interview, failing which the candidature is liable to be cancelled at the interview stage.
11. No change of category shall be allowed after last date of receipt of application forms i.e. from SC to OBC/ST etc. viceversa.
12. Married daughters/ grand-daughters of freedom fighters are not entitled for reservation under Ward of Freedom Fighter Sub category. Preference will be given to the children of Freedom Fighters over Grand Children.
13. The certificate of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Other Backward Classes should have on parental basis.
14. Since the validity of OBC certificate is of two years from the date of its issuance, the candidates are required to furnish the valid certificate in support of his/her claim. The validity of the certificate is required to be seen at the time of
15. Eligibility for vacancies in Sub-Category of SPORTSMAN shall be as per the norms framed by department of Youth Services and Sports.
16. The Board reserves the right to dispense with the written examination for any post keeping in view the number of applicants vis-a-vis vacancies & other circumstances.
17. Only Himachali candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC will be eligible for the posts reserved for respective categories.
18. No change of category at any stage shall be allowed.
19. The validity of IRDP/BPL certificate is of six months from the date of its issuance. The candidates are required to furnish the valid certificate in support of his/her claim. The validity of the certificate is required to be seen at the
time of interview.

20. The candidates must fill in the relevant sub columns of column No.17 of application form for educational, professional, technical and other required qualifications as per advertisement of the concerned post code.
21. For further details candidates may contact the facilitation desk of Board on. This Advertisement is also available on the webpage of the Board i.e.

Advertisement No. 23/2012

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