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Job as Protocol Manager ( 2 posts) in Office of the CDMO, Sambalpur - RSBY for RKS

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up of the following posts on contractual basis for a period of 11 months with monthly remuneration as noted against each & subject to renewal as per performance & continuance of the Programme only. Other allowances/incentives as admissible under the norms of the society. But in case of PM & DEO, RSBY the service continuance depends upon the concern RKS based on income from RSBY.

The Applicant should be above 21 years and below 32 years as on 01.10.2013 and the upper age limit as prescribed will be relax able only for the category mentioned below.
· Up to a maximum of 5 years if a candidate belongs to SC/ST or Women or Ex-Serviceman.
· To maximum of 10 years in case of physically challenged candidates
Applicant belonging more than one category shall avail the benefit of age relaxation which will be benefitted to him or her.

Post: Protocol Manager

Name of the Post: Protocol Manager, RSBY for RKS, DHH, Sambalpur
Category: UR- 01
Consolidat ed Remunerati on (Rs.): Rs. 5600/- per month

Name of the Post: Protocol Manager, RSBY for RKS, DHH, Kuchinda
Category: UR- 01
Consolidat ed Remunerati on (Rs.): Rs. 5600/- per month

Eligibility (Qualification):
D. Pharma with PGDCA/DCA with adequate knowledge of computer particularly in MS-Office. (applicant having higher qualification can also apply but no additional advantage will be given)

Experience: Preference will be given to the candidates having one-year work experience in RSBY/OSTF subject to that they are fulfilling the required eligibility criteria & pass the required test. (Protocol Manager currently working through outsourcing agency are required to submit “No Objection Certificate” from their concerned employers.)

The above appointment is purely temporary and may be terminated at any time without assigning any reason thereof. Candidates who are already working in health dept. have to apply through proper channel. Interested candidate fulfilling the eligibility criteria mentioned above are to apply in prescribe application format to the office of undersigned by registered post/ speed post / courier on or before 23rd October’13. The envelope containing the application should be super scribe with the name of post applied for. Incomplete application or application received after due date shall be rejected. Authority shall not be held responsible for postal delay. The candidate should not have disengaged from the society on administrative ground such as disobedience, misbehavior, poor performance, criminal activity prior to applying for the post. The application form is available at District website undersigned reserve the right to cancel any or all the process without assigning any reason thereof.


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