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Job in University of Mumbai for the post of Scientist

Clinical research courses

The University of Mumbai (known earlier as University of Bombay) is one of the oldest and premier Universities in India. It was established in 1857 consequent upon "Wood's Education Dispatch", and it is one amongst the first three Universities in India. As a sequel to the change in the name of the city from Bombay to Mumbai, the name of the University has been changed from "University of Bombay" to "University of Mumbai", vide notification issued by the Government of Maharashtra and published in the Government Gazette dated 4th September, 1996.

Applications are invited for the following posts in National Centre for Nanoscience & Nano Technology, University of Mumbai on tenure basis for a period of five years on prescribed pay band from the reserved and open Categories within 30 days.

Post: Scientist C

No.of post: 4 (1- Sc,1-ST, 2- Open)

Pay Scale (Grade Pay): 15,600 - 39,100 (6,600)

Qualification: Good academic record with a doctoral degree in Science (Physics/ Chemistry/ Life Science/Biotechnology/Pharmaceutical Sciences) or Engineering (Electrical / Electronics/ Mechanical/ Computer/ Biomedical) with focus in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. About 05 publications in international journals of repute (including SCI Indian journals having impact factor) and/or patents are highly desirable.

In view of above qualification of scientist is equivalent as teaching post of Professor and Reader and pay scale also high.

Application in the prescribed form (1 + 4 copies) including Annexure-A together with attested copies of certificates along with a Demand Draft of a Nationalized Bank for the amount of Rs.500/- in case of candidates belonging to general category and Rs. 300/- in the case of candidates belonging to SC/ST/DT and NT drawn in favor of the Finance and Accounts Officer, University of Mumbai, should be sent in an envelope subscribed with “Application for the post of Scientist G, Scientist F, Scientist E, Scientist D, Scientist C, Scientific Assistant C and Scientific Assistant B in Nano Science and Nano Technology, University of Mumbai” so as to reach the Registrar, University of Mumbai, Fort, Mumbai-400 032 within 30 days from the date of publication of this advertisement (i.e. upto 16th November, 2013). Application received after 30 days from the date of publication of this advertisement will not be considered. Andaman and Nicobar Island and Lakshadweep may send their applications so as to reach the Registrar on or before 1st December, 2013. The University shall not responsible for any postal delay. Incomplete application and application on plain paper will not be consider. Convincing direct or indirect will be disqualification.

The appointment will be made for a contract of 5 years. In addition to pay they will be entitled of DA, HRA, CLA, etc. According to the University rules. Teachers of the University are permitted to take up outside work according to the University rules. Other conditions may very depending upon the guidelines from the Government of Maharashtra.

The appointees on the posts are not covered by any pension scheme or the salary payment scheme of State Government. However, their services will governed as per the rules, statutes and ordinances of the University and Maharashtra Universities Act, 1994.

Additional increments may be awarded depending upon qualifications and experience.

The prescribed forms of application and details regarding additional qualifications and specialization etc. can also be downloaded from the University website

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1. Reservation for women will be as per the directions issued by the Vice-Chancellor vide circular No BCC-16/74/98, dated 10th March, 1998. If suitable women candidates are not available the same post will be treated as unreserved.
2. Reservation not less than 3% for disabled persons as per G.R. ODO/1297/E-382/97/ASTHA-1, dated 26th November, 1998, will be available, subject to availability/suitability.
3. The candidates belonging to the reserved categories should produce caste certificate and caste validity certificate issued by the competent authority in prescribed form, otherwise the application is likely to be rejected.
4. The posts reserved for SC/ST/DT-NT/OBC/SBC will be filled in by the candidate/s Domicile of State of Maharashtra belonging to the particular category only.
5. The principle of “Creamy Layer” is applicable to all categories except Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, i.e. “De-notified Tribes (A)” “Nomadic Tribes (B)” “Nomadic Tribes (C)” Nomadic Tribes (D)”, “Special Backward category” and “Other Backward Communities” as per the orders regarding the implementation of the said provisions issued by the Government vide Circular of Social Justice, Cultural Affairs and Special Assistance Dept. No. lhchlh&10@2006@iz-Ø-15@ekod&5 dated 30th June, 2006. Candidates belonging to said categories are required to submit caste and Non-Creamy Layer Certificates accordingly. The abovementioned Govt. Circular and proforma of certificate is available on Govt’s. Web site at and its computer code (Unique Code) is 20060710122458001.
6. Candidates belonging to reserved categories domiciled outside the Maharashtra State will be treated as OPEN as per G. R. No.CBC-1084/54577(1813)BCW-5, dated 1st November, 1985 and Circular No.CBC-1688(2829)MAVAK-5, dated 29th July, 1988.
7. Candidates from all categories can apply for open posts.
8. The candidate shall have to submit along with the application form a declaration in form ‘A’ as per the rules prescribed by the Government of Maharashtra in respect of small family vide Notification No.SRV.2000/CR(17/2000)XII, dated 28th March, 2005 and the eligibility of the applicant will be determined as provided under this rule .
9. Candidates belonging to reserved category should also send one photocopy of their applications along with the attested copy of the caste certificate to the Deputy Registrar, Special Cell, First Floor, Room No.134, University of Mumbai, Mumbai-400 032.
10. Educational qualification, experience etc. mentioned in this advt./notification indicate the minimum eligibility for the relevant posts. However, if the number of prima facie eligible candidates applied for post is disproportionately large in comparison to the number of posts available, suitable criteria may be adopted for shortlisting candidates for interview. For adopting criteria candidates having higher qualifications and/or experience will be considered. Criteria so adopted will depend upon the circumstances prevailing on each occasion of recruitment. This may result in non-selection of candidates for interview, though they fulfill requirements prescribed in the Advt. or who were called for interview for the same post on earlier occasion.
11. The appointee would be covered under new “Defined Contribution Pension Scheme” and that the existing Pension Scheme (i.e. Maharashtra Civil Services {Pension} Rules, 1982 and Maharashtra Civil Services (Commutation of Pension Rules, 1984) and General Provident Fund Scheme will not be applicable to them.
12. As per provisions under the section 76(6) of the Maharashtra Universities Act, 1994 for the post of Professor, the selection committee may recommend for appointment of other person, who may not have applied or appeared before it .
13. Number of posts advertised may increase/decrease depending upon the vacancies available at the time of interview.
14. Candidates should invariably fill the information regarding Court cases pending, Criminal cases, Disciplinary actions or equivalent etc. in the relevant column of the Application Form. Any changes in this information as and when occurred after the submission of Application Form till the completion of recruitment process should be brought to the notice of the University by the candidate, failing which the University reserves the right to cancel the candidature and to debar him/her from all selections.

Last Date: 16th Nov., 2013


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