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Job in Office of the CDMO, Nayagarh for the post of Protocol Manager

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited from interested eligible candidates for contractual engagement under RSBY and OSTF Help Desk in nine Rogi Kalyan Samiti of Nayagarh District. The last date of receipt of application is 28.10.2013 till 5.00 PM through Speed Post / Regd. Post/Courier only to the CDMO, Nayagarh. The envelop containing the application form must be superscribed on the top of the envelop “Name of the post applied for...”

Post: Protocol Manager

No. of Posts: UR- 01

Consolidated Remuneration: Rs. 5600/- Per month

Qualification: D.Pharm with PGDCA/DCA with adequate knowledge of computer particularly in MS-Office. Pharmacy Council Registration is mandatory. Previous work experience of similar kind shall be an added advantage. Applicants having higher qualification can apply also.

Terms of Reference (ToR)

  • He/she will be the institutional level nodal person and responsible for overall implementation of RSBY & OSTF in the concerned hospital.
  • Liaise with various departments of the hospital and other stakeholders like accountant (OSTF), TPA, Insurance Company and Department of Labour functionaries in the district and CSOs involved in the implementation of RSBY.
  • Monitor service quality extended out to the beneficiaries.
  • Assist Superintendent/Director/Chief District Medical Officer/Medical Officer inCharge/Chief Medical Officer to submit insurance claims (in respect of all the RSBYpatients for the procedures/services availed), to the Insurance Company along with all the required documents.

Educational Qualification:
D.Pharm with PGDCA/DCA with adequate knowledge of computer particularly in MSOffice. Previous work experience of similar kind shall be an added advantage.

Applicants having higher qualification can also apply but no additional Benefit/advantage will be given.

The vacancy shown above is provisional and is subject to change. The recruitment process will be conducted at district level and the selected candidates will be posted in above nine RKS through counselling on merit basis. Application form and details of the recruitment can be downloaded from the District NIC Website ( for information and necessary action. Interested candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria are requested to apply on or before 28th October 2013 till 5 P.M. to Chief District Medical Officer, Nayagarh through registered post/ Speed Post or courier only. Candidates are requested to regular touch with the District NIC Website ( for information on different stages of recruitment process. Incomplete application in any form is liable for rejection. The undersigned is not responsible for any postal delay. No personal correspondence or inquiry will msk be entertained in this matter. The undersigned reserves the right to cancel any or all of the applications without assigning any reason thereof.

1. Protocol Manager has to appear a written test & Computer test and DEO have to appear computer test for selection. Selection of candidates will done as per instruction and guideline issued by DHS (0).
2. The appointment is purely temporary and may be terminated at any time without assigning any reason thereof.
3. Selected candidates will not claim any Govt. Post / Regular in future.
4. Age LimitThe candidates shall not be less than 18 years & not more than 32 years of age as on 01-10-2013 & age is relaxable up to 5 years for SC & ST, 3 years for SEBC & 5 years for woman candidates.
5. The number in each category of post may vary at the time of recruitment and will be filled up as per ORV Act.
6. The authority reserves the right to cancel or reject any or all application without assigning any reason thereof.
7. Protocol Manager & DEOs currently working through Outsourcing agency in above nine mentioned RKS are required to submit No Objection Certificate, from their concerned employer, in the application form. The existing RSBY Staff will be given preference subject to that they are fulfilling the required eligibility criteria and pass the required test.
8. The appointing authority is the MOI/C for Block CHC (RKS) or CDMO/ADMO (Med) for DHH (RKS).
9. The last date of receipt of application is 28.10.2013 till 5.00 PM through Speed Post / Regd. Post/Courier only to the CDMO, Nayagarh. The envelope containing the application form must be superscribed on the top of the envelope “Name of the post applied for..."


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