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Job in National Institute of Nutrition for the post of Research Assistant | Walk in

Clinical research courses

Eligible candidates are invited to attend a WALK-IN-INTERVIEW on the following date sharp at 09:30 a.m. for the following position on the ad hoc research project entitled “Assessment of national nutritional programmes in improving reproductive health and nutritional status of rural adolescent girls of Andhra Pradesh” funded by ICMR at this Institute. The essential qualification, experience, consolidated Pay and service tenure are as under: Depending upon the number of Candidates, written examination / Interview will be conducted. Place of postings at Mahaboobnagar and Medak Districts. The candidates will have to travel extensively between the Districts.

Post: Research Assistant 1 No. (OBC)

Essential Qualifications: Three years Bachelor Degree in Bio-chemistry/Life Sciences from any recognized University with DMLT/Certificate of one year duration/one year experience in lab side.

Desirable: M.Sc. Bio-chemistry/Life Science) from any recognized University with one year experience Quantitative and Qualitative methods in public health projects will be given preference.

Age: Not exceeding 30 years as on the date of Advertisement.

Cons. Pay: Rs.22,120/- p.m. (fixed) without any allowances.

Tenure: One year only.

The candidates should bring all original certificates of educational qualification (from SSC onwards), experience, SC/ST/OBC Community Certificate / PH Certificate along with a photo and set of Photo copies duly attested for attending the Walk-in-Interview. The persons belonging to Other Backward Category should bring the O.B.C. (Non creamy layer) Certificate issued by the respective concerned Thehsildar/ M.R.O. specifically issued for the purpose of applying for Central Government post not later than three years. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the Interviews/Written Test. The Selected Candidates will be posted at the National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad; however they are required to undertake touring all over the country from time to time.

The conditions of employment will be the same as are for the project staff on contract basis. The candidates have no right to claim for any regular employment at this Institute. The Director Incharge & Appointing Authority has the right to accept/ reject any application without assigning any reason and no correspondence in this matter will be entertained.

Date of Interview: 31-10-2013



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