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Inviting for Subject Matter Specialist (Animal Health) @ WBUAFS

Clinical research courses

Applications from Indian nationals are invited for filling up the following posts at three Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) and All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) on Post Harvest technology (PHT) under the aegis of the University –

Post: Subject Matter Specialist (Animal Health)

Pay Scale: Rs.15600-39100/- + GP Rs. 5400/-

Reservation Category: 2 posts, General -1 & ST-1

Qualification & Age: EQ: Master Degree in any subjects of Veterinary Sciences
(Subjects: Veterinary Anatomy, Veterinary Gynaecology & Obstetrics, Medicine [Clinical & Preventive], Veterinary Parasitology, Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, Veterinary Pathology including Wild Life, Epidemiology/ Wild Life, Vety. Virology, Vety. Immunology, Veterinary Microbiology/ Bacteriology, Veterinary Surgery, Veterinary Public Health)
DQ: 2 years experience in research/ extension
Age: Not above 35 years

Applications for recruitment in the above posts are to be sent to the Director of Research, Extension & Farms, West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences, 37 Kshudiram Bose Sarani, Kolkata – 700037. The posts are purely temporary and co-terminus with the tenure of the KVK/AICRP projects and appointments, therefore, does not confer any right / claim implicit or explicit for regularization or absorption against any University post.

Interested candidates are to apply by filling up the attached application form alongwith enclosures (self-attested photocopies) and a Bank Draft of Rs. 750/- (Rupees seven hundred fifty only) for the posts of General category and Rs. 200/- (Rupees two hundred only) for the SC & ST category drawn on any nationalized Bank in favour of WBUAFS, payable at Kolkata. One passport size photograph is to be pasted on the right upper corner of the application form and another is to be separately attached. Application form with self-addressed, postage stamped of Rs. 5/- envelop are to be sent only through Registered or Speed Post. Last date for receipt of duly filled in application form is 15th November, 2013. The University will not be responsible for late receipt of application forms.

1. Crucial date for determining age limit, qualification and experience etc. for each post will be the closing date for receipt of application form.
2. Age relaxation is admissible upto 5 years for SC/ST candidates and also for the internal candidates having work experience in the concerned job.
3. Envelope containing the application form with all the contents should be super scribed with the post applied for and category of reservation.
4. Separate application form should be sent, if the candidate is applying for more than one post.
5. Person already employed should send their application through proper channel.
6. Mere fulfilling the minimum prescribed qualifications and experience will not vest a right to a candidate for being called for written test / and or interview. The prescribed EQ= Essential qualification and DQ = Desirable qualification.
7. University reserves the right to reject any or all applications without any showing reason to anyone.
8. The University reserves the right to cancel the programme of recruitment to any post or all posts without assigning any reasons what so ever.
9. The University reserves the right to cancel / alter / modify any condition / qualification / post(s) at any stage of recruitment / selection.
10. Applications received after expiry of the last date will not be considered and no correspondences in this regard will be attained.
11. Incomplete application form will summarily be rejected.
12. No TA/DA / Accommodation etc. will be paid to the candidates for attending the aptitude test / and or interview or practical test.
13. Canvassing in any form and / or brining any influence in selection process will be treated as disqualification for the candidate concerned.
14. Vacancies notified may be increased or decreased as per discretion of the University.
15. All categories of staff selected against the posts will be placed/transferred at any KVK/AICRP within the jurisdiction of the University depending upon the need, availability and position of the vacancies existed at any time.

No. WBUAFS / DREF / Extn./ KVK-Rect./293


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