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Applications are invited from eligible candidates for Logistic Manager (B.Pharm) in NRHM Orissa - 4 posts

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up the following posts under National Rural Health Mission, Odisha on contractual basis for a period of 11 months with monthly remuneration as noted against each and subject to renewal as per Society norms basing on the performance and subsistence of the programme. Performance Incentives & other benefits are also admissible as per norms applicable and orders issued there-under from time to time. Upper age limit for applicants with MBBS background is 68 years and for others 65 years as on 01st October 2013.

Post: Logistic Manager (Logistic, PROMIS & Immunisation)

No.of post: SC – 02 ST - 02

Remuneratio (in Rs.): Rs.16000/-

Qualification/ Experience: B. Pharma from a reputed University / Institution with 1 year of post qualification experience in drug management / material management / logistic management with computer knowledge in MS Office.

The above positions are purely temporary and also co-terminus with the scheme. Canvassing in any form will render the candidate disqualified for the position. Details of qualifications, experience & ToR can be downloaded from the official website ( Candidates, who are already working in Health Department either on regular or on contractual basis, have to submit No Objection Certificate from competent authority. Interested candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria are to apply online through the above said website. The printed copy of the application generated from the system along with all supportive documents shall however be sent to the “Mission Directorate (NRHM), Annex Building of SIH&FW, Nayapalli, Unit-8, Bhubaneswar-751012, District-Khurda (Odisha)” on or before 25.10.2013 (by 5.00 P.M.) through Regd. Post / Speed Post / Courier only and the envelope containing the application should be superscribed clearly name of the post applied for. If any candidate is found to have suppressed any material information or furnished false information / documents, his/her case shall not be considered for the post applied for and in case already engaged on the basis of the said information / documents, his / her service shall be terminated from the society forthwith. Candidates who have been disengaged from the OSH&FW Society on administrative ground such as disobedience / poor performances/ misbehavior/ criminal activity etc. are not eligible to apply. Incomplete application in any form will be rejected. This office will not be held responsible for any postal delay. No personal correspondences / enquiry will be entertained in this matter. All communication will be made through email. Number of vacancy / Remuneration under this advertisement, may vary at the time of actual engagement. The panel for the above positions shall also remain valid for other programmes under NRHM ambit with difference in remuneration, if any as approved in each programme. The undersigned reserves the right to cancel any or all the applications without assigning any reason thereof.

Adv. No.30/13


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