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Application are invited for post of Pharmacist in LGBRIMH

Clinical research courses

Lokopriya Gopinath Bordoloi Regional Institute of Mental Health (LGBRIMH) is one of the oldest mental health care institutes in India established in the year 1876. It is located in Tezpur in Sonitpur district of Assam. The Institute is spread over 81 acres of land with a lush green campus. Over the years, this tertiary mental health care institute has been playing a major role in catering to the entire population of the Northeast part of the country.

Application on prescribed format are invited from the citizen of India for filling up the following posts by direct recruitment/deputation as specified below so as to reach by 31.10.2013.

Post: Pharmacist- 01

Pay Band & Grade Pay: Rs. 5200 – 20200 + GP Rs.2800

Age Limit: 30 yrs

Essential Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree in B. Pharm from a recognized University/Institution. Registration under Pharmacy Council.

(1) Candidates who do not fulfill requirement of advertisement need not apply
(2) Allowances will be as per Central Government rates as adopted by this Institute from time to time.
(3) Candidates working in State/Central Govt./PSU/ Autonomous Body must apply through proper channel or submit “No Objection Certificate.”
(4) Incomplete application or applications received after the last date will summarily rejected.
(5)In case on deputation, vigilance clearance / integrity certificate from parent department will be required.
(6) In case of deputation, age of the candidate should not exceed 56 years.
(7) Period of deputation will be 3 years initially which may be extended from time to time on mutual agreement between borrowing and lending departments.
(8) Appointments in case of direct recruitment will be on probation for 2 (two) years.
(9) The application is to accompany with a Bank Draft of Rs.100/- to be drawn in favour of the Director, LGBRIMH, Tezpur and attested copies of certificate / one PP size photograph so as to reach to the Administrative Officer, LGBRIMH, Tezpur – 784001 latest by 31.10.2013.
(10) Reservation criteria as per Central Government Rules as adopted by this Institute will apply.
(11) Incomplete application or application received after last date will be summarily rejected.
(12) Canvassing in any form will be treated disqualification.

No. LGB/Estt/246/01/Part-II/3604


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