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Work as Research Associate in Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development (IBSD)

Clinical research courses

The Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development (IBSD) is one of the autonomous institutes under the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India. The objective of IBSD is to develop and utilize the rich bioresources of the Northeastern Region of the country through the application of modern tools of biology and biotechnology. The institute invites application for the following posts for its DBT funded project entitled “Distributed Information Sub-Centre (DISC)” initially for a period of 1 year or till the completion of the project whichever is earlier.

Institute of Bioresearches and Sustainable Development (IBSD), Imphal, a research institute under Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, invites applications from the suitable candidates for the following position for its extramural research project funded by Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India. Prescribed application format is available at the Institute’s website or from the receptionist of the Institute. Duly fill in application form along with photo copies of attested certificate / testimonials in support of age and educational qualifications with recent self attested passport size photograph of the candidate may be submitted to the Director, IBSD, Takyelpat, Imphal during Office hour on or before 20thOctober, 2012. Only eligible / short listed candidates will be intimated for an interview before the selection committee. The selection procedure will be strictly adhered to Govt. of India norms.

Post: Research Associate

Title of the project: Devlopment of suitable formulation using indigenous strains of NE I ndia for crops improvement : A combined holistic pproach.
Duration: 3 (three) years or till the completion of the project whichever is earlier.

1. The above position is purely temporary and co- terminus with the project. The selected candidate shall not claim for regular appointment either to IBSD, Imphal, RCIBSD, Sikkim or DBT, New Delhi.
2. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
3. The details of the advertisement is available in the Institute’s website ( or as hard copy from the receptionist of the Institute.
4. The name of the position applied should be clearly written on the front of the envelope.
5. Application form must accompany degree certificate and marksheet which is essential for preliminary screening. Failure to enclose these documents with application will result in direct rejection of the application form.

Emoluments / Consolidated pay: Rs. 24,200/- per month (Fixed)

Qualification: Ph.D in Agricultural Microbiology / Plant pathology / Life Science / Microbial Biotechnology / Microbiology / Soil Microbiology
(Desirable: Having experience in molecular characterization of microbes, application of biocontrol agent in large scale field trial, and having knowledge of microbial formulation, plant-microbe interactions study etc.


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