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Work as Scientists, SRF, Research Associate in Central Pollution Control Board | Multiple vacancies

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The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), statutory organisation, was constituted in September, 1974 under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974. Further, CPCB was entrusted with the powers and functions under the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981.
It serves as a field formation and also provides technical services to the Ministry of Environment and Forests of the provisions of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. Principal Functions of the CPCB, as spelt out in the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, and the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, (i) to promote cleanliness of streams and wells in different areas of the States by prevention, control and abatement of water pollution, and (ii) to improve the quality of air and to prevent, control or abate air pollution in the country.

1.   Scientist ‘E’ : 04 Posts (OI-OBC, 02-UR, 01-SC) in the Pay Band -4,7 37,400-67,000/- ; Grade Pay 8700/-Educational Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering / Technology in Environment/ Chemical/ Information Technology / Civil from a recognized University or Institution. Preferential : Master’s degree in Engineering / Technology OR Essential : Master’s degree in Chemistry from a recognized University or Institution. Preferential : NET Qualified / Ph.D. Experience : 11 years experience in the field of Pollution Control in Group 'A’ post (Out of which minimum 04 years experience in the post of Scientist ‘D’ in the Pay Band -3; ? 15,600-39,100/-; Grade Pay ? 7600 on regular basis). Age Limit: Not exceeding 50 Years.

2.  Scientist ‘D’ : 02 Posts (UR) in the Pay Band -3; 15,600-39,100/-; Grade Pay ? 7600/-. Educational Qualification: Bachelor's Degree in Engineering / Technology in Information Technology/ Chemical/ Environment / Civil from a recognized University or Institution. Preferential :Master’s degree in Engineering / Technology OR Essential : Master’s degree in Chemistry from a recognized University or Institution. Preferential : NET Qualified / Ph.D. Experience: 07 years experience in the field of Pollution Control in Group ‘A’ post (Out of which minimum 4 years experience in the post of Scientist ‘C’ in the Pay Band-3; ? 15,600-39,100/-, Grade Pay ? 6600/- on regular basis). Age Limit: Not exceeding 45 Years.

3.  Scientist ‘C’ : 03 Posts (OI-OBC, 02-UR), in the Pay Band-3, 15,600-39,100/- ; Grade Pay 7 6600/-, Persons With Disability (PD,B,OA,OL) can also apply. Educational Qualification :Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering / Technology in Information Technology/ Chemical/ Environment / Civil from a recognized University or Institution. Preferential : Master’s degree in Engineering / Technology OR Essential : Master’s degree in Chemistry / Biotechnology from a recognized University or Institution. Preferential : NET Qualified t Ph.D. Experience: 03 years experience in the Field of Pollution Control in the post of Scientist 'B' on regular basis in the Pay Band-3,. ? 15,600-39,100/-; Grade Pay 7 5400/- Age Limit :Not exceeding 40 Years.

Note :There shall be no upper age limit in respect of Officers already working in the Central Pollution Control Board for Direct Recruitment to any of the above posts. Age relaxation to the highly experienced candidates shall be considered by the Competent Authority on the merit of the case.

4.  Assistant Law Officer : 01 Anticipated Post (UR) Scale of pay : PB-2; 7 9300-34,800/-; Grade Pay 4600/-. (Under revision subject to approval of Govt, of lndia)Persons With Disability (PD,OL,BL,OA,B,PB) can also apply. Age : Upto 35 years; Educational Qualification & Experience : (i) Bachelor’s degree in Law from a recognized University / Institution, (ii) Should be a qualified legal practitioner, i.e. Advocate (within the meaning of Advocate Act, 1961) who has practices as such for 5 years.

5.   Assistant : 01 Post (UR) Scale of pay : PB-2; 7 9300-34,800/-; Grade Pay 4200/-. Persons With Disability (OL,BLA,OA,PD,PB,B) can also apply. Age : Upto 30 years; Educational Qualification & Experience : (a) Minimum a Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University, (b) Experience of not less than 3 years in conducting correspondence and office procedures in an organization/ institution of repute, (c) Shall pass a speed test of not less than 35 w.p.m. in English or 30 w.p.m. in Hindi on computer (Time allowed - 10 minutes).

6.   Senior Laboratory Assistant : 01 Post (UR). Scale of pay: - PB-1; 7 5200-20,200; Grade Pay 7 2400/-, Persons With Disability (OA,OL,BL,PD,D) can also apply. Age: Upto 30 years. Educational Qualification & Experience: (i) Essential: 12th class pass in Science from a recognized Board / University with 3 years of experience in the relevant field, (ii) Desirable: Degree in Science from a recognized University/Institution.

7.  Junior Laboratory Assistant: 02 Posts (Ex. Service Man-UR). Scale of pay: - PB-1; 7 5200-20,200; Grade Pay 1900/-, Persons With Disability (OA,OL,BL,PD,D) can also apply. Age: between 18-25 years. Educational Qualification & Experience; (i) Essential: 12th class pass with Science subjects from a recognized Board / University, (ii) Desirable: Degree in Science from the recognized University/Institution.

8.  Senior Research Fellow : 15 Posts under NGRBA Project on monthly emoluments of 7 14,000/- + HRA. Age Limit: 32 years. Educational Qualification : M. Sc. in Chemistry/ Applied Chemistry/ Botany/ Zoology/ Life Sciences/ Bio Sciences/ Microbiology OR B.E./ B. Tech in Environmental Engineering, Public Health Engineering. Experience Required : Two years experience in the field of Environmental Sciences/ Water Pollution Control/ Design of Waste Water Treatment Plants/ River Water Quality Monitoring, Industrial Waste Water Treatment Plants, Analysis of Sewage and Industrial samples for physico-chemical and Bacteriological parameters/ assessment of industrial pollution and its control.

9.  Research Associate-1 : 05 Posts under NGRBA Project on monthly emoluments of 7 16,000/- + HRA. Age Limit : 35 years. Educational Qualification : Ph. D in Bio Technology/ Microbiology/ Chemistry/ Applied Chemistry/ Botany/ Zoology/ Life Science/ Bio Science/ Environmental Science. OR M.E/ M. Tech in Environmental Engineering/Bio Technology/Public Health Engineering. Experience: For M.E./ M. Tech 3 years relevant experience.

Note: Proficiency in Computer Applications Software and those having qualified UGC/ CSIR/ NET/GATE examination shall be preferred for Senior Research Fellow and Research Associate-I. Age Limit : 5 years relaxable for SC/ST/OBC/Women/Persons with Disability candidates for the post of Senior Research Fellow & Research Associate-I.

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APPLICATION FORM FOR DIRECT RECRUITMENT. SRF & RA-Im Post applied for (2) Advertisement No. & Date (3) Name of the candidate (in block letters) (4) Father’s/Husband’s Name (5) Date of Birth (Christian Era) (6) Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC/UR/Persons with Disability/Ex-man (7) Nationality (8) Postal Address with pin code for Correspondence (in block Letters) (9) Phone number (10) E-mail ID (11) Educational qualifications from Matriculation onwards: - Name of the Exam. Passed, Year of passing, Name of the Board/ university, Subject, Percentage of Marks obtained, Division, Discipline in Engineering or Science (12) Details of experience & employment details in chronological order, Name of the Organization, Post held, Period (From To), pay band with grade pay and basic pay, Nature of experience/duties, Total experience (13) Any other information (14) Remarks DECLARATION: I affirm that information given in this application is true and correct. I also fully understand that if at any stage it is discovered that any attempt has been made by me to conceal willfully or misrepresent the fact (s), my candidature may summarily be rejected or employment terminated. Signature of the candidate with date. NOTE: - Self attested photocopy of Certificates/ Testimonials are necessary to enclose with application form in respect of the post at SI. No 1, 2, 3, 4and 9. However, no photocopy is required to enclose for the post at SI. No. 5, 6, 7 and 8. Affix three passport size photographs (one on application and two on Admit card), Admit Card (1) Name (2) Full Address for correspondence (3) Post applied for (4)Roll No. (SI. No. 4 to be filled by Office) Signature of applicant.

Deputation Basis

10.  Finance and Accounts Officer : 01 Post on deputation in the PB-3; 7 15,600-39,100, Grade Pay 7 7600/-, Eligibility: (1) Officers of Indian Audit & Accounts Service. Indian Defence Accounts Service, Indian Railway Accounts service or any other organized Account Service OR Any other Officers of the Central Government or a Central Statutory/Autonomous Body or a Public Sector Undertaking.

(a) (i) holding analogous posts on regular basis; or (ii) a post in the PB 3 7 15,600-39,100/ with Grade Pay 7 6600/- with 5 years of regular service in that grade; and (b) having experience in Accounts, Audit, Financial Advice and related matters.(2) The departmental Accounts Officers with 12 years of regular service in the grade will also be considered and in case he is selected for appointment to the post the same will be deemed to have been filled by promotion.

11.   Data Entry Operator Grade-1: 01 Post on deputation in the PB-1 7 5,200-20,200, Grade Pay 7 2800/-, Eligibility: Officers of the Central Government/State Governments/Union Territory Administrations or Central/State Autonomous or Statutory bodies, (a) (i) holding analogous posts on regular basis; or (ii) having atleast 6 years of regular service in posts in the PB-1 7 5200-20200, Grade Pay 7 2400/- or equivalent: and (b) Possessing a Degree and a speed of not less than 8000 Key depressions per hour for Data Entry works.

12.  Junior Engineer (Civil) : 01 Post on deputation in the PB-2, 7 9300-34,800, Grade Pay 7 4200/-, Eligibility: Officers of the Central Government/State Governments/Union Territory Administrations or Central/State Autonomous or Statutory bodies, (a) holding analogous posts or lower post, and (b) Possessing the qualification Essential : Diploma in Civil engineering from an Institution recognized by the Central / State Govt, or equivalent. Desirable : One year experience in maintaining the office buildings I commercial complex, etc.

Note:-Period of deputation shall not ordinarily exceed three years. The departmental officers in the feeder category who are in direct line of promotion will not be eligible for consideration for appointment on deputation (except for SI. No. 10). The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation should not be exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of application. The applications of the eligible and willing officers alongwith their bio-data (duly signed by the concerned officers) attested copies of ACR dossier for the last 5 years, Integrity Certificate, Vigilance Clearance and statement of Major/Minor penalties, if any, imposed during the last ten years may be forwarded. Applications which are incomplete, not Through Proper Channel, without attested copies of ACR Dossier and other related documents will not be considered and the advance copy should invariably be followed, the application which is forwarded through proper channel must reach this Office not later than 15 days after the closing date, failing which their candidature will not be considered. Applications must be accompanied by the self attested copies of certificates of proof of age, educational qualifications, research/work experience and claim of belongings to SC/ST/OBC/Persons With Disability, etc. failing to which the application will be treated as incomplete and summarily rejected. APPLICATION FORM FOR DEPUTATION - Affix one passport size photograph, Post applied for, 1. Name and Address in Block letters 2. Date of Birth (in Christian era) 3. Date of retirement under Central /State Government rules 4. Educational Qualifications


Name of the Examination

Year of Passing

Name of the Board/University

% of Marks


Subjects taken



5. Whether Educational and other qualifications required for the post are satisfied. (If any qualification has been treated as equivalent to the one prescribed in the rules, state the authority for the same) Qualifications / experience required , Qualification/Experience possessed by the officer, Essential (i) (ii) (iii) Desired (i) (ii), 6. Please state clearly whether in the light of entries made by you above, you meet the requirement of the post. 7. Details of Employment, in chronological order. Enclose a separate sheet, duly authenticated

Office/ Instt./Orgn.

Post held



Scale of Pay ; Pay Band and Grade Pay

Nature of duties

(in detail)

8.  Nature of present employment, i.e. ad hoc or temporary or quasi-permanent or permanent 9. In case the present employment is held on deputation / contract basis, please state- (a)The date of initial appointment, (b)Period of appointment on deputation/ contract, (c) Name of the parent office/ organization to which you belong. 10. Additional details about present employment please state whether working under -(a) Central Government , (b) State Government (c) Autonomous Organizations (d) Government Undertakings (e) Universities (f) Others 11. Please state whether you are working in the same Department and are in the feeder grade or feeder to feeder grade. 12. Are you in Revised Scale of Pay ? If yes, give the date from which the revision took place and also indicate the pre-revised scale. 13. Total emoluments per month now drawn. 14. Additional information, if any, which you would like to mention in support of your suitability for the post. (This among other things may provide information with regard to (i) additional academic qualifications (ii) professional training and (iii) work experience over and above prescribed in the Vacancy Circular / Advertisement) (NOTE : Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient). 15. Please state whether you are applying for deputation. 16. Whether belongs to SC/ST 17. Remarks (The candidates may indicate information with regard to (i) Research publications and reports and special projects (ii) Awards/ Scholarships/ Official Appreciation (iii) Affiliation with the professional bodies/ institutions/ societies and (iv) any other information. (NOTE : Enclose a separate sheet if the space is insufficient). Declaration : I have carefully gone through the vacancy circular/ advertisement and I am well aware that the Curriculum Vitae duly supported by documents submitted by me will also be assessed by the Selection Committee at the time of selection for the post. Signature of the candidate, Date, Address with seal, CERTIFICATE TO BE FURNISHED BY THE H.O.O. 1. Service particulars given above have been verified from the service record of the applicant and found correct. 2. Certified that no Vigilance enquiry is pending or contemplated against the applicant. 3. He will be relieved of his duties to take up assignment in the Central Pollution Control Board on his selection on deputation. Place, Date, Countersigned (Employer) with seal.

General Conditions for Direct Recruitment. Deputation. Senior Research Fellow and Research Associate-1:

1. Application should be sent either in English or in Hindi and in the prescribed proforma itself. 2. The number of posts likely to increase or decrease. 3. Place of Posting : Anywhere in India. 4. Only Indian Nationals need to apply. 5. The Board reserves the right not to fill up the post, if it so decides. 6. No correspondence/representation will be entertained in regard to the call for interview and/or selection. 7. The crucial date for determining the age-limit shall be the closing date for receipt of applications from the candidates in India. 8.The upper age limit for SC/ST/OBC/Persons with Disability/ Ex-Serviceman etc. shall be as per the Government of India Rules. Apply through proper channel, if in service.

Prescribed application form along with recent passport size photographs, should reach The Administrative Officer (Recruitment), Central Pollution Control Board, “Parivesh Bhawan”, East Arjun Nagar, Shahdara, Delhi-110032 within 45 daysfrom the date of publication of this advertisement and last date for the Applicants from Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh, division of J&K State, Lahaul and Spiti-District & Pangi Sub-division of Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh, the Andman & Nicobar Islands or Lakshadweep will be 60 days or last date given in the advertisement in the Employment News - whichever is later. Incomplete applications will not be considered. The name of the post must be superscribed on the envelope. Advertisement & prescribed application form can also be downloaded from our website


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