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Applications are invited Assistant Professor of Pharmacology in ALL INDIA INSTITUTE MEDICAL SCIENCES (AIIMS) | Government Job

Clinical research courses

All-India Institute of Medical Sciences was established as an institution of national importance by an Act of Parliament with the objects to develop patterns of teaching in Undergraduate and Post-graduate Medical Education in all its branches so as to demonstrate a high standard of Medical Education in India; to bring together in one place educational facilities of the highest order for the training of personnel in all important branches of health activity; and to attain self-sufficiency in Post-graduate Medical Education.

Applications are invited from Indian Citizens by the Director, AIIMS, for the following temporary faculty posts of Assistant Professor on regular basis:-

Post: Assistant Professor of Pharmacology


Pay Band: PB-03 – Rs. 15600-39100/- (plus NPA for medical candidates only) subject to minimum pay of Rs. 30,000/- with Academic Grady Pay of Rs. 8000/-

Essential Qualifications & Experience:
For Medical candidates
i) Same as prescribed for Assistant Professor of Anatomy (for medical candidates) at Sl. No. 1 above.
ii) A postgraduate qualification e.g. M.D. in Pharmacology or a recognized qualification
iii) Three years teaching and/or research experience in a recognized Institution in the subject of speciality after obtaining the qualifying degree of MD in Pharmacology or a qualification recognized equivalent there to.

For Non-Medical candidates
i) A postgraduate qualification e.g. Masters Degree in Pharmacology/ Drug Assay/ Chemistry/Biochemistry/Zoology
ii) Doctorate degree from a recognized university.
(iii) Three years teaching and/or research experience in a recognized Institution in the discipline/ subject concorned after obtaining the doctorate degree

1. All the posts carry usual allowances as admissible to Central Government Employees of similar status at Delhi/New Delhi.
2. Upper Age Limit: 50 (Fifty) years. However, relaxable for Government Servants, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes or otherwise exceptionally qualified applicants up-to 5 years and 3 years in the case of Other Backward Classes candidates. Upper age limit will be taken as on closing date of submission of application.
3. Application fee: Rs. 500/- (Rs. 100/- for SC/ST candidates) through SBI Bank Challan/ Debit Card/Credit Card. The application fee once remitted shall not be refunded.
4. Last date for on line submission of application: 15.11.2012 by 5.00 P.M.
5. The effective date up-to which the requisite experience must be completed will be 30.06.2013.
6. The candidate can submit applications online through internet only. Applications submitted/sent through postal services or otherwise shall not be entertained / accepted. The candidates must read the instructions, help manual and other details carefully before applying and follow the instructions given.

(i) The All India Institute of Medical Sciences is an autonomous body established under Act of Parliament.
(ii) Service under the Institute is governed by that Act and the Rules & Regulations framed there under.
(iii) The applicants, who do not have requisite qualifications up to the last date for submission of applications, will not be considered.
(iv) The discipline/subject for which the application is being submitted needs to be indicated clearly.

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Contd. from pre-page:
(v) The candidates can pay the prescribed application fee through a Challan form (to be downloaded from internet while applying online) in any branch of State Bank of India or through Debit Card/Credit Card. Transaction/Processing fee, if any, as applicable, shall be payable to the Bank by the Candidate.

(vi) Separate application should be submitted for separate post along-with the prescribed fee for each post. A consolidated application for more than one post will not be considered.

(vii) Incomplete application(s) will not be considered.

(viii) The applicants are required to submit self-attested certificates/testimonials, other relevant documents etc. along-with recent passport size photograph and self-attested copies of fee paid through SBI Bank Challan or fee receipt for payment made through Debit Card/Credit Card in a sealed envelop “superscribing the name of the post applied for “within 7 (seven) days from the date of online submission of application to the following address:
The Chief Administrative Officer
Administrative Block, AIIMS
Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110 029

(ix) The applicants already in Government service shall have to produce NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE from their present employer through a letter generated, after successful submission of online application form.

(x) The employees of the Institute will be governed by the New Pension Scheme as per the provision contained in the Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs (ECB & PR Division), Notification No.5/7/2003-ECB&PR dated 22.12.2003.

(xi) The period of probation is two years.

(xii) The post(s) is/are whole time and private practice of any kind is prohibited.

(xiii) The Institute (AIIMS) will not defray the travelling and other expenses to the candidates summoned for interview. The Institute will, however, contribute towards theses expenses in respect of candidates who pay the prescribed application fee and are summoned to appear for a personal interview before the Standing Selection Committee of the Institute at a rate corresponding to the amount of single 2nd class Passenger Railway fare or the actual expenditure incurred towards fare, whichever is less, by the shortest route to the place of interview from the Railway Station nearest to the candidates normal place of residence or from which he/she actually performs the journey which is nearer to the place of interview and back to the same station provided the distance travelled each way exceeds 80 Kilometers. Candidates called for interview and coming from outside India will be paid equivalent to Sleeper class Rail fare in respect of journey performed within the territory of Republic of India only.

(xiv) The persons belonging to SC/ST/OBC community must submit the certificate in the requisite proforma duly issued by the authority concerned.

(xv) While every effort will be made to provide residential accommodation to the faculty staff appointed at the Institute subject to availability but in view of the paucity of the residential accommodation in the campus it may not be possible to provide accommodation in every case. In the event that no accommodation is provided, necessary H.R.A. as admissible to Central Government Servants of similar status stationed at Delhi/New Delhi will be provided.

(xvi) AIIMS reserves the rights to increase or decrease the number of vacancies.

(xvii) Canvassing of any kind will be a disqualification.

(xviii) The appointment against the aforesaid posts will be “tentative in nature” and subject to final outcome of the SLP No. 2106/2002 pending before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India on reservation of posts for SC/ST/OBC.

LAST DATE : 15.11.2012 – 5:00 P.M.



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