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DBT-Jawaharlal Nehru University require Technical Assistant, Postdoctoral Fellow, Junior Research Fellow - 5 posts

Clinical research courses

Jawaharlal Nehru University has been granted funds by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India to initiate an Inter-School programme in JNU to strengthen training and research called "DBT-Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-Interdisciplinary Life Science Programme for Advanced Research and education" with the broad project area entitled "From Molecules to Systems: Exploring biological space using chemical and synthetic biology" cutting across Physical, Chemical and Biological Sciences.

Applications are invited for the following purely temporary posts at various levels in the various Group projects for Research and Technical positions. The project is upto March 2017, but the appointments shall be initially for a period of one year, renewable every year depending on the performance of project staff:

Post 1: Technical Assistant (1)
Qualifications: M.Sc./B.Tech. in any of the Science/Technology subjects with an experience to handle modern equipments used in Bioscience/Biotechnology research.
In addition, the candidate should be capable of record keeping, scientific report preparation, taking care of office work and working in team with Biologists and Physical Scientists. Experience in the field will be preferred.
Salary: Rs. 18000/- pm consolidated

Post 2: Technical Assistant (1)
Qualifications: M.Sc./B.Tech. in any of the Science/Technology subjects with an experience to handle modern equipments used in Bio-science research. Knowledge and experience in maintenance and handling of computers and the use of various software will be mandatory criteria for the post. Installation and maintenance of High power/cluster servers would be desirable.
In addition, the candidate should be capable of record keeping, scientific report preparation, taking care of office work and working in team with Biologist and Computer scientists. Experience in the field will be preferred.
Salary: Rs. 18000/- pm consolidated

For the Technical Assistant positions, the job requirement shall be to assist various faculty and students and other project staff in the use of modern equipments used in Biotechnology/Physical Sciences research. In case qualified candidates are not available for Post 2, the committee reserves the right to appoint applicant with qualifications for post 1.

Project: Metabolic Engineering and Systems Biology

Post 3: Postdoctoral Fellow (1)
Essential Qualifications: PhD in Biotechnology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, etc with experience in molecular biology, fermentation, gene expression and purification.
Desirable Qualifications: PhD in Metabolic Engineering/Bioprocess technology with working experience of Molecular Biology techniques, gene knock-in, knock–out strategies, Transcriptomic and proteomic profiling, Process analytical techniques (PAT) Platform with online monitoring of bioprocess, mathematical modeling and data processing related to bioprocesses'
(Investigator: Prof. K. J. Mukherjee, School of Biotechnology)
Salary: Rs. 22000/- +HRA per month as permissible

Post 4: Junior Research Fellow (1)
Essential Qualifications: M.Sc./B.Tech in Biotechnology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Genetics, etc with experience in molecular biology, fermentation, purification.
(Investigator: Prof. K. J. Mukherjee, School of Biotechnology)
Salary: Rs. 12000/- +HRA per month as permissible

Post 5: Junior Research Fellow (1)
Project: Structure, function, and dynamics of a multi-subunit ubiquitin ligase.
Qualifications : M.Sc. in Life sciences or related fields. Candidates should have practical experience in molecular/cell biology technique and cell culture. Working knowledge of protein purification/ confocal microscopy and biophysical techniques including mass spectroscopy will be desirable.
(Investigator: Dr. Swati Tiwari)
Salary: Rs. 12000/- +HRA per month as permissible
(Note: Revised emoluments shall be payable if Educational Qualifications or Eligibility Criteria as per DST OM No. A.20020/11/97-IFD dated 31-03-2010 are met by the research personnel)

The applications on plain paper indicating name, date of birth/age, address, essential / technical / professional qualifications, experience, research work, should reach the Programme Coordinator on or before 20th November 2013 at the following address:

The Envelop should be marked for the Post applied for. Any clarifications regarding projects may be sought from the respective project investigators as mentioned.
Address for correspondence:
Prof. Rajiv Bhat
Programme Coordinator
School of Biotechnology
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi 110067

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