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Opening as Junior Chemist in RVUN - 19 posts

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Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited (RVUN) has been entrusted with the job of development of power projects under state sector, in the state along with operation & maintenance of state owned power stations. Government of Rajasthan constituted the Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd. (RVUN) under Companies Act-1956 on 19th July, 2000. The Nigam is since playing lead role in giving highest priority to the power generation for manifold and rapid development of the state.

Post: Junior Chemist - 19 posts

Applications are invited "On-Line" from the eligible candidates having requisite qualification  for appointment to the post of Junior Chemist in Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited  (RVUNL).

Number of vacancies indicated above may increase/decrease at the discretion of RVUNL depending upon requirement and availability or non availability of vacancies due to one or another reason(s). No notification/corrigendum shall be issued for any such change.
Reservation for SC/ST/OBC/BC/SBC/Female shall be as per rules.

Qualification: Candidate must hold a Post Graduation Degree in Chemistry / Graduation  Degree in Chemical Engineering from any University established by law in  India or a degree of a foreign University of Institution declared by competent  authority equivalent to a Post Graduate Degree in Chemistry or Graduation  Degree in Chemical Engineering of an University established by law in India.

Age:- The candidate must have attained the age of 21 years and must  have not attained the age of 35 years as on last date of online  submission of Application. Relaxation in age, wherever applicable,  shall be given as per rules

Remuneration/Salary:- Selected Candidates will be initially engaged as "Probationer  Trainee" for a period of two years and during the period of  Probation Training they will be paid fixed remuneration  @ Rs. 11,100/- per month. After successful completion of probation  training period, they will be fixed in the Running Pay Band (PB-2)  of Rs. 9300-34800 with Grade pay of Rs. 3600/-.

Selection Procedure :- A written competitive examination comprising of objective type  questions shall be conducted. There shall be no interview

Date of Commencement of Online Registration of Application: – 12.11.2013

Details of vacancies and procedure to apply on-line shall be available from
11.11.2013 on the website of RVUNL

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