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Walk in interview for the post of Project Fellow in BIT, Mesra



Clinical research courses

BIT, Mesra is a "Deemed University" under Sec. 3 of the U.G.C. Act 1956. It functions under the overall supervision, direction and control of a high power Board of Governors, comprising representatives of the Ministry of Education, Government of India, the U.G.C., the State Government, The Chancellor, the AICTE, The Hindustan Charity Trust and the Institute Faculty. Shri G.P. Birla is the Chairman of the Board of Governors. The Governor of the state of Jharkhand is the Chancellor of the Institute. The Technical Council decides the academic policy of the Institute.

Applications are invited from qualified candidates for the post of Project Fellow in following project funded under UGC-UKEIRI Thematic Partnership (2013-2014)

Post: Project Fellow

Project Title: Design and synthesis of potent dual inhibitors of cdk-4 and tubulin as anticancer agents

Name of PI: Dr. B. N. Sinha

Desirable qualification/skills: M.Pharm/M.S in Pharmaceutical/ Medicinal Chemistry. Desirable skills: Organic synthesis and Drug design

Duration: 2 years

Stipend Rs/-pm: 16,000/- + HRA as applicable

Venue: Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, BIT-Mesra

Date and time of Interview: 27th November 2013 at 9.30 AM

* Interested candidates are required to bring all original Certificates and testimonials along with one set of duly attested photocopy on the interview date. No TA/DA will be provided for attending the Interview.

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