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PhD stipend in molecular neuropharmacology at University of Copenhagen

Clinical research courses

The Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen offers a 2-year post doctoral position in population genetics of potato late blight (Phytophthora infestans). The position starts September 2013 or soon thereafter and is funded through a research grant ("BioMark") from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
The project will provide biological knowledge on population genetics of Potato late blight Phytophthora infestans) in Denmark in order to offer a genetically based risk assessment of the disease. The risk assessment will include fungicide resistance, virulence etc. and will be PCR based. The work will focus on sequence and micro satellite data analyses to develop genetic markers that will detect epidemiological characteristics of the population

A time-limited 3-year PhD position at Molecular Neuropharmacology and Genetics Laboratory, Department of Neuroscience and Pharmacology is available April 1st 2014 or as soon as possible thereafter. The aim of the project is to increase our understanding of dopamine-related diseases by using optogenetic and pharmacological approaches to control the activity of dopaminergic neurons.

The PhD student will work on viral-mediated expression of microbial opsins and/or reengineered G protein coupled receptors (designer receptors only activated by designer ligand, DREADSs) in dopamine neurons of transgenic mouse models. While use of microbial opsins will involve use of implanted optic fibers, the activity of the receptors will be controlled with synthetic ligands. The project will have specific focus on analysing the relationship between dopaminergic activity and behaviour relating to cocaine/amphetamine addiction and ADHD.

The project will be partially financed by the KU2016 Program of Excellence involving multidisciplinary collaboration between neurobiologists, pharmacologists, molecular biologists, clinicians and psychologists.

In connection with the appointment to the post, special importance will be attached to the applicant having the following professional and personal qualifications:

  • A Master´s degree in molecular biomedicine, human biology, medicine, molecular biology or in a equivalent area
  • A solid background in neurobiology and pharmacology
  • Experience with molecular biology
  • Experience with animal models
  • Experience with immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy
  • Excellent communication skills, both written and oral
  • Interaction with staff at all levels, both internally and externally, regarding relevant research topics.

All highly motivated and ambitious candidates, regardless of their personal background and status, are encouraged to apply.

The position is offered for a period of three years and employment is governed by the Protocol on PhD Research Fellows signed by the Danish Ministry of Finance and AC (the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations). In addition to research activities, the PhD candidate will be expected - during the period of the stipend - to acquire experience in teaching and/or other types of presentations.

For further information, please contact Professor Ulrik Gether, e-mail: or Center Coordinator Tinne Midtgaard, email:

In order to be taken into consideration for this position you must fill in an online application form.

The application must include following appendices:

  • A letter of motivation
  • A current curriculum vitae
  • Copies of relevant diplomas
  • A complete list of publications

The deadline for applications is December 1st, 2013. Any applications received after this time will not be considered. Applicants failing to submit the online application form will not be considered.


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