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Work as Assistant Professor - Pharmaceutical Management in Panjab University

Clinical research courses

The Panjab University has a long tradition of pursuing excellence in teaching and research in science and technology, humanities, social sciences, performing arts and sports. The University supports excellence and innovation in academic programmes, promotes excellence in research, scholarship and teaching and is committed to attracting and supporting the best students and faculty who excel at teaching and research. For more than a century, it has served various societal needs with distinction. The glorious traditions of the University established during the period of more than a hundred and thirty years of its long service to the nation since its inception in 1882 at Lahore (now in Pakistan) are a source of inspiration for the present generation of faculty members and students. By virtue of its age, experience, achievements and philosophy, the Panjab University is a University of national character and stature and draws both faculty and students from all over the country and abroad. Its faculty includes some of the most distinguished scientists and academicians. It continues to attract celebrated scholars who interact with the faculty and students. Over the years, the reputation of the Panjab University has grown into one of innovative teaching, research and community outreach.

Post: Assistant Professor - Pharmaceutical Management-1 (Gen)

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the posts of  ASSISTANT PROFESSOR in various subjects in the P.U. Departments/  Centres/Institutes in the pay-scale of 15600-39100 + AGP of 6000/-, so as  to reach the Deputy Registrar (Estt.), Panjab University, Chandigarh, by  04.12.2013 upto 4.00 p.m.

First Class Masters Degree in Business Administration (Pharmaceutical Management)

Detailed Information:
1. The candidate is required to read the application form, template to be  followed for Selection of Assistant Professor, qualifications, detailed  instructions, proforma for experience certificate etc. The candidate must  fill the following along with application form:
i) ‘ACADEMIC RECORD (15 marks) AND RESEARCH  PERFORMANCE (35 marks), TEACHING EXPERIENCE (5 marks)  AND POST DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP/POST DOCTORAL  PROJECT from Public Funding Agency (5 marks)’ which are parts  of the ‘TEMPLATE to be followed for the selection of Assistant  Professors in the teaching Departments of the UNIVERSITY’.   
ii) The candidate is required to fill in the columns of Template  (available on the University website as mentioned at Sr. No. 1) for  Academic Record & Research Performance i.e. Bachelor’s Degree  Marks, Master’s Degree Marks, Ph.D. or NET or GATE or GPAT,  Publications/ Patents, Academic Distinction, Teaching Experience  and Post Doctoral experience etc.   
2. The eligibility of every candidate will be determined on the basis of  qualifications acquired and communicated to the office by him/her up to  the last date fixed for receipt of applications.
3. Screening will be done on the basis of marks obtained by the candidate  out of 60 taking into account the columns “Academic Record and  Research Performance, Teaching Experience (PG/UG Classes) and Post  Doctoral Fellowship/Post Doctoral Project from Public Funding Agency”  and the requisite number of candidates obtaining higher marks (in order  of merit) will be called for interview.
4. The experience certificate must be submitted by the candidate strictly as  per the Proforma available on the University web-site.
5. 3% posts are reserved for physically handicapped persons with  Locomotors disability or Blindness or Low vision, subject to eligibility,  suitability and fitness for the job.
6. It is understood that the candidate shall possess the requisite  qualifications and research experience relevant to the post in the  department concerned and other qualifications if any prescribed for a post.
7. The competent authority could assign them teaching duties in the same  subject in other teaching departments of the University in order to utilize  their subject expertise/specialization and to meet the needs of the allied  department/s at a given point of time, within the limits of the workload  as prescribed in the relevant norms. 
8. The number of posts can be increased or decreased as per need at the  time of selection.   
9. Separate application form is required to be submitted for each post. 
10. Applications not in the prescribed form or incomplete applications or  those received after the last date are liable to be rejected. 
11. All documents in original will have to be produced at the time of  interview. 
12. The Vice-Chancellor could place before the Selection Committee names of  suitable persons for its consideration along with the applications received in response to the advertisement.
13. Stringent criteria may be applied for short-listing the candidates to be  called for interview. 
14. If any information supplied by the candidate in his application form is  found to be incorrect/false at any stage, his candidature/selection will be  cancelled. 
15. The University reserves the right to withdraw any advertised post at  any time without assigning any reason. University reserves the right not  to fill any of the above posts.
16. It is not obligatory on the part of the University to call for interview every  candidate who possesses the essential qualifications.
17. Candidates must attach all the documents related to their research   activities/other activities done by them. 
18. Candidates are required to attach a copy of each of published research  paper/each publication with the application form. 
19. Candidates should attach one set of certificates of teaching and/or  research experience in support of their claim for the same.  
20. One set of attested copies of certificates and Detailed Marks Cards in  support of qualifications for Matriculation/School leaving, 12th class, Graduation, Post-graduation, Doctoral degree must be attached with the  application. The experience certificate if any must be in the desired  format available on the website. Attested copy of conversion formula in case of G.P.A. be also attached. Candidates should also attach copies of  testimonials from three referees with the application. 
21. Candidates who have mentioned their merit position in the University  examinations in their application form, should attach an attested copy of  the University merit certificate issued by the University concerned in  support of their claim.  
22. Candidates who have not passed +2, Pre-Medical or Pre-Engineering   examinations should give in the column ‘Educational Qualifications’ of  the application form, the particulars of the other 12th class examination  (Intermediate, B.A./B.Sc. Part-I, etc.) passed by them. Candidates  should also indicate percentage of marks obtained by them in each  examination in the column ‘Class/Division/Grade’.
23. Persons already in service must route their applications through proper  channel. They may, however, send an advance copy of their application  on the prescribed Performa direct to the University. They will be allowed  to present themselves for interview only on the production of  ‘No Objection Certificate’ from their employers. 
24. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate.
25. Candidates if selected for interview will be sent interview letter through  post and e-mail and telephonic intimation will also be given. The  candidates are advised to intimate the change of address and  telephone/mobile numbers, if any and also update their e-mail  addresses to avoid any inconvenience.
26. The fees etc. submitted will not be refunded and no correspondence will  be entertained. The applicant must ensure that he/she fulfils the  minimum eligibility conditions and only then apply within due date.   

1. A relaxation of 5% is admissible from 55% to 50% of the marks to   the Ph.D. degree holders who have passed their Master’s prior to   19th September 1991.    
2. EXPLANATION     The term ‘good academic record’ would imply the following:    (i) At least 55% marks (50% in case of SC/ST/ Physically &  Visually handicapped candidates) or an equivalent grade at  Master’s degree level;  AND (ii) At least 50% marks (45% in case of SC/ST/Physically &  Visually handicapped candidates) at the graduation level.  
OR At least 50% marks (45% in case of SC/ST/ Physically &  Visually handicapped candidates) in Honours at the  graduation level.  

Details of advertisement and application form specifically for Assistant  Professor having 9 pages alongwith “Detailed Instructions” for candidates is  available on Website: Application form, format of experience certificate, template for selection of Assistant Professor etc., are only to be downloaded from the website. Candidates are required to submit duly filled-in application form in all respects, along with fee pay-in-slip (University’s  copy) for 375/- ( 150/- for SC/ST and 185/- for Physically Handicapped) to be deposited in Account No. 33417855484 of Panjab University,  Chandigarh, payable at all Branches of State Bank of India. The Screening Criteria and Template to be used by the Selection Committees for academic  record and research performance etc. are also available on University website.

Advertisement No. 7/2013


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