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Career as Junior Pharmacist in HLL Lifecare - Walk in

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HLL Lifecare Limited, a Mini Ratna Central Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India is a global provider of high quality healthcare products & services. With state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities spanning across India, HLL is diversifying into vaccine manufacturing, lifecare services, sanitary napkins besides engaging in procurement consultancy, healthcare infrastructure development and facility management.

Post: Junior Pharmacist

Job Description:
Dispensing the Prescribed Drugs/Surgical/Implants
Computerized and Manual Billing
Maintains records of all transactions of the pharmacy necessary to ensure accurate control over and accountability for all drugs as required by applicable state laws, rules, and regulations; ensures legal operation of the pharmacy
Stock Updation
Coordinate in basic office administration

Qualification: D. Pharma or B Pharma

For D.Pharma holders-Minimum 5 years of post qualification experience in the relevant field
For B.Pharma holders- Minimum 3 years of  post qualification experience in the relevant field

The company is on the lookout for dynamic and performance driven professionals for the following positions on Fixed Tenure Contract basis.

Age: 45 years

Consolidated Pay (Per Month): Rs 15000 – Rs 20000

Location: Bangalore

Date of Interview – 08.11.2013
Registration Time – 10.00AM – 04.00PM
Venue:   HLL Lifecare Limited,
(A Government of India Enterprise)
Healthcare Service Division Headquarters,
No.32/1/1, Kuvempu Coffee Board Layout,
Kempapura, Bengaluru - 560024.

Upper age relaxation will be given to candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PH, as per Government of India Rules in this regard.

Candidates are requested to fill up the Application Blank attached herewith affixing their latest passport size photograph, which has to be produced at the time of verification of certificates.

Please bring all certificates in original along with attested copies to prove age, qualification, experience and latest salary certificate with break-up. SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer) candidates should produce their Community Certificate in original from the concerned Revenue Authorities. Failure to produce the above certificates in original will disqualify from appearing for the interview.


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