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Opportunity to work as Pharmacist in District Health Society, Nicobar

Clinical research courses

Interested candidate may walk in interview for filling up of various posts as mentioned below on contractual basis under District Health Society, Nicobar:

Post: Pharmacist

No of posts: 01

Salary: Rs. 16000/-

1) Degree in Pharmacy or Diploma ln Pharmacy from a recognized university/ institution. Registration with pharmacy council under section-12 of pharmacy Act 1948
2) Famitiarity with computer and internet use to feed data of screenine.

Date of interview-27.11.2013 (Wednesday) from 11:00 am onwards.
Registration period: Between 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM

DOCUMENTS TO BE CARRIED: Mark sheets and Certificates in support of Educational Quatifications, e.g. Degree, Post-graduation, Professional Quatifications etc. (as the case may be) Experience certificate(s) specifying NATURE & PERIOD of experience.

* The applicant shoutd ensure that he/she futfils the etigibitity and other norms and that the particutars furnished by him/ her are correct in all respects.
* The appointment will be made purely on merit basis.) No change in place of posting will be entertained.) Interested candidates shatl be ready to work in remote / hard areas as and when directed and also may have to travel to remote/hard areas as required.) No accommodation facitity witt be provided for Candidates appearing for lnterview.) This appointment will be purety on contractual basis (11 months which is tikety to be extended on mutual consent) & this does not confer any right/privilege for regular appointment or continuity of service.
* No TA/DA shall be payable for appearing in the interview.


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