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Career as Drug Inspector under the Health & Family Welfare Department of OPSC - 3 posts

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Applications are invited On-line through the Proforma Application from 8.10.2013 to 12.11.2013 (Note: 15.11.2013 is the last date for payment of application fees) for recruitment to 03 (three) posts of Drugs Inspector in Class-II (Group-B) of State Service under the Health & Family Welfare Department in the scale of pay of Rs.9,300-34,800/- carrying the Grade Pay of Rs.4,600/-with usual Dearness Allowance and other allowances as may be sanctioned by the Government of Odisha from time to time. The posts are permanent.

Post: Drug Inspector

As per requisition filed by the Health & Family Welfare Department, Government of Odisha, the vacancy position along with reservation thereof is given below:
Category No. of Posts
(i) Unreserved -- 02 (1-w)
(ii) Scheduled Tribe -- 01 .
Total - 03 (1-w)

(a) In case of non-availability of eligible/suitable Women candidate, the vacancy or the remaining vacancy will be filled up by suitable Male candidate of the same category.
(b) The Exchange of reservation between S.T. & S.C. will not be considered.
(c) The number of vacancies to be filled up on the basis of this recruitment is subject to change by Government without notice depending upon the exigencies at the discretion of the Government.

A candidate must have possessed a degree in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Sciences or Medicine with specialisation in Clinical Pharmacology or Microbiology from a University established in India by law.
No person who has any financial interest in the import/manufacture of sale of drugs and cosmetics shall be appointed as an Inspector, under the Drugs & Cosmetics Rules, 1945.

A candidate must not be under 21 (twenty one) years and must not be above the age of 32 (thirty two) years as on the 1st January, 2013 i.e. he/she must not have been born earlier than 2nd January, 1981, and not later than 1st January, 1992.
The upper age-limit is relaxable by 5 (five) years for candidates belonging to the categories of Scheduled Castes(S.C.), Scheduled Tribes(S.T.), Socially & Educationally Backward Classes(S.E.B.C.), Women and eligible Ex-Servicemen.
In the case of candidates already in Odisha Government Service, the upper age limit is relaxable to the extent of the period of their service rendered under the Government subject to a maximum period of 5 years. Such Government Servants having requisite qualification and experience may apply for the post alongwith the certificate showing the period of service under the Government of Odisha obtained from the appointing authority.
Provided that a candidate who comes under more than one category mentioned above, shall be eligible for only one age relaxation benefit, which shall be considered most beneficial to him/her.
The date of birth entered in the High School Certificate or equivalent Certificate issued by the concerned Board/Council will only be accepted by the Commission.

A candidate is required to pay a non-refundable and non-adjustable fee of Rs.300/-(Rupees three hundred) only. Candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe of Odisha only are exempted from payment of this fee.

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(a) The selection of candidates for recruitment to the post shall be made on the basis of written test/examination and Viva Voce Test.
(b) The written examination will consist of two papers. The examination in Pharmacy will be covered in Paper-I consisting of 200 marks. The examination in General Knowledge will cover in Paper-II consisting of 50 marks.
(c) The Commission shall conduct the Viva Voce Test for 25 marks.
(d) The Commission will short-list the candidates to be called for viva voce test to a reasonable number taking into consideration the marks secured in the written examination above the cut-off point to be fixed by the Commission.

The plan of examination and broad outlines of the syllabus for the said examination are enclosed (Appendix-I).

PLACE OF EXAMINATION : The written examination will be held at Cuttack. It may also be held at Bhubaneswar/ Balasore/Berhampur/Sambalpur depending on the number of candidates from the respective zone. The candidates are to mention their choice of Examination Zone at appropriate place in the Online Application Form.

(i) The candidate must be a citizen of India;
(ii) The candidate should be able to speak, read and write Odia and should have had Odia as a language subject in the Middle English School standard or any equivalent examination, or has been declared to have passed a test in Odia language equivalent to the Middle English School Standard conducted by the School & Mass Education Department of Government of Odisha;
(iii) The candidate must have good character and satisfactory antecedents.
(iv) The candidate must have sound health/good physique, active habits and free from organic defects or bodily/mental infirmity.
(v) A candidate, who has more than one spouse living, will not be eligible for appointment unless the State Government has exempted his/her case from operation of this limitation for any good and sufficient reasons;
(vi) Government servants, whether temporary or permanent, are eligible to apply provided that they possess the requisite qualification and are within the prescribed age-limit as provided under Para-3 & 4 of the Advertisement. They must inform their respective Heads of Offices in writing regarding submission of their applications for this recruitment and obtain “No Objection Certificate”;
(vii) If a candidate has at any time, been debarred for a certain period/chance(s) by the Odisha Public Service Commission or other State Public Service Commission or U.P.S.C. from appearing at any examination/interview, he/she will not be eligible for such recruitment for that specified period/chance(s);
(viii) Only those candidates, who fulfil the requisite qualification & within the prescribed age limit etc. by the last date of Online Application, will be considered eligible;
(ix) Every candidate selected for appointment shall be examined by the Medical Board. A candidate, who fails to satisfy the Medical Board, shall not be appointed;

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(a) Candidate must go through details of this Advertisement before filling up online application form.
(b) Candidates must apply online through CLICK HERE. Applications received through any other mode would not be accepted and summarily rejected.
(c) Before filling up the online application form, the candidates must go through the following documents available at OPSC portal.
(i) Instruction to fill up the online application form.
(ii) Guideline for scanning and Uploading of Photograph, Full Signature & Left Hand Thumb Impression.
(d) Candidates are required to upload the scanned image of latest passport size photograph along with scanned image of his/her full signature and scanned image of Left hand Thumb Impression(LTI) in the online application form. The uploaded photograph, full signature and LTI must be clearly identifiable / visible, otherwise the application of the candidate is liable to be rejected by the Commission and no representation from the candidate will be entertained.
(e) Candidates should keep at least 2 copies of latest passport size photograph which is uploaded on the online application form for future use.
(f) On successful submission of the online application form, an Unique Registration ID will be displayed on the screen as well as top of the application form. Candidates are required to take a printout of the finally submitted online application form and put his/her signature under the Declaration for submission to opsc alogwith copies of requisite certificate and documents.
(g) Thereafter, the candidates who are required to pay the fee shall take a printout of Online Challan (Pay-in-Slip) for payment of requisite fee of Rs.300/-(Three hundred) only at any branch of State Bank of India (SBI). The Fee paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances nor can the fee be adjusted or held in reserve for any other examination or recruitment.
(h) Candidates are required to send the Printout/Hard copy of the filled in Online Application duly signed under the declaration along with copies of required certificates and documents etc., as provided under para-10 of this advertisement and the OPSC copy of Challan showing payment of Application fee, by Registered Post/Speed Post/Courier Service to the Special Secretary, Odisha Public Service Commission, 19, Dr. P.K. Parija Road, Cuttack-753001 so as to reach the same in the office of the OPSC on or before 25.11.2013.
The envelope containing the Printout/Hard copy of the online application alongwith copies of requisite certificates and documents etc must be superscribed “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF DRUGS INSPECTOR”. Application received after the closing date shall not be entertained. The Commission will not take any responsibility if the application is not received in time. The candidate may also submit the copy of the Printout/Hard copy of the Online Application along with requisite certificates and documents etc. in the office of the Odisha Public Service Commission directly/personally on or before the last date of receipt of application at the counter.
(i) The candidates are advised to submit the Online Application well in advance without waiting for the closing date to avoid last hour rush.
(j) Certificate of Admission to the examination/Interview to the eligible candidates will be uploaded in the Website of OPSC prior to the date of examination or interview which will be published in the Website and News paper. The candidates are required to download their Admission Certificate from Website of the Commission and produce the same for admission to the examination or interview. No separate correspondence will be made on this score.



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1.The written examination will consist of two papers with 250 marks.





No. of objective multiple choice question

Duration of the Examination










2 hours


General Knowledge



1 hours

2. (i) All question papers will be set in English and the same should be answered in English only.
(ii) The candidates are not allowed to bring calculators or any other electronic devices to the examination hall/examination campus for use.
(iii) Mobile phones, pagers or any other communication devices are not allowed inside the premises of the Examination Centre and Office of the Commission.
Any infringement of these instructions shall entail disciplinary action including ban from future examination.
3.There will be negative marking for wrong answers.


There should be 8 units containing the following :
1. Drugs and Cosmetic Act, 1940 and Rules thereunder, 1945 with amendments.
2. Pharmacy Act, 1948.
3. Drug Price Control Order, 1995.
4. Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971.
5. Poison Act, 1919 and Dangerous Drugs Act, 1930.
6. Drugs and Magic Remedy Act, 1954.
7. Medical and Toilet Preparation Act, 1955.
8. Prevention of Cruelty to Animal Act.
9. Trademark Registration Act.
10. Pharmaceutical Ethics.

1. Tablet and Tablet coating.
2. Capsule.
3. Emulsion, Suspension, Ointment and Cream.
4. Ophthalmic Solutions.
5. Blood Fluid and Electrolytes.
6. Parenteral preparation and Quality Control.
7. Surgical Dressing.
8. Biological preparation ... (Sera, Vaccine and Anti-Sera)
9. Biopharmaceutics.

1. Limit Test.
2. Bio-Assay.
3. Sterility Test.
4. Pyrogen Test.
5. Theory & Application of Colorimeter, Florimeter, Nephlometer and Turbidometer, U.V.Visilile Spectrophotometer.
6. Kerl Fischer Titration.
7. Alcohol determination.
8. Microbiological Assay of Vitamins, Antibiotics and Vaccine Preparation.

Structure, Storage, Preparation & Brand names of the Following Classes (Definition, Classification etc.):
1. Steroids
2. Sedatives and Hypnotics.
3. Psycho-therapeutic Agents.
4. Antihistaminic Agents.
5. Analgesics (narcotic, non-narcotic and NSAID)
6. Cardiovascular Agents.

Source, Chemical constituents, uses and adulteration of the following classes of natural drugs, Rauwolfia, Ipecacuahna, Belladona, Cinchona, Cinnamon, Digitalis, Senna, Aloe, Noxvomica, Opium, Kurchi, Brahmi, Tulsi, Bael and Ephedra.

Introduction and General Principle­Mode of action, Drug receptor interaction, Drug, antagonist, Absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of drugs, Routes of administration, Bioavailability, Drug dependence and addiction, Drug abuse and toxicity, Adverse drug reaction, Drug allergy, Biostatistics.

Handling of prescription, Incompatibility, Storage conditions of drugs, Clinical Pharmacy and its role in Hospital.

1. Elementary knowledge of following systems :-Blood, Digestive system, Respiratory system, Eye, Ear, Reproductive system and Urinary system.
2. Nutrition, First aid, Population Control, Aids Control.

PAPER-II(GENERAL KNOWLEDGE ) : The paper in General Knowledge will include knowledge of current events and matters as of everyday observation and experience in their scientific aspects of life as may be expected of an educated person. The paper will also include questions on History of India and Geography of such standard which the candidates should be able to answer without special study.


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