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Applications are invited for two posts of Junior Research Fellow in a DBT sponsored project at Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited for two (2) posts of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in a DBT sponsored project entitled “Mechanisms of E. coli group 1 capsular polysaccharide translocation: An NMR and computational investigation”.

Post: Junior Research Fellow

No of Post(s): Two

Duration of project: Two years and eight months. The appointment will be on temporary basis for a period of one year. Based on performance in the first year, the appointment could be extended till the end of project.

Nature of work: Computational, cloning, protein expression & purification and NMR.

Essential Qualification(s): MSc or MTech or equivalent in any allied area of Life Sciences with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks, desirably with UGCCSIR/ DBT/ICMR JRF/GATE or equivalent. Candidates with Biophysics or Structural Biology or Bioinformatics or Computational Biology background are preferred.

Emoluments: Rs. 16,000 + H.R.A. pm for the first two years and subsequently, Rs. 18,000 + H.R.A. pm for the third year.

Age Limit: 28 years

How to Apply: Interested candidates may complete the attached application form (click here to download the application from JRF-DBT.docx) and send it along with curriculum vitae, scanned copies of the certificates (SSC/SSLC onwards) and other relevant information to Dr. Thenmalarchelvi Rathinavelan, Department of Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad to the following email id: Note that all the documents should be compiled in a single pdf (portable document format) file.

Selection process: Initial screening will be based on merit. After the screening, the short-listed candidates have to attend the interview in person along with the original certificates.

Date of Interview: Will be announced.

No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview

Last date for submitting application: November 29, 2013 (5 pm)


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