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Applications are invited for Pharmacist (5 posts) in Office of the Superintendent, VSS Medical College Hospital

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Applications are invited for the post of Pharmacist in the prescribed proforma given below for selection and engagement to the post on contractual basis as noted below to work in VSS Medical College Hospital, Burla, PIN:768017 in the District of Sambalpur through speed post/Regd. Post only so as to reach the office of the undersigned on or before 06/12/2013
Application received after the due date shall not be considered under any circumstances.

Post: Pharmacist

Total No. of Posts: 05 nos, ST-01 UR-01 UR(W)-01 SEBC-01 SC-01

Qualification: Passed Diploma in Pharmacy and have registered their names in the Odisha Pharmacy Council and must have passed Pharmacy course from any three Medical College of the State or from any recognized Private Institution of the State

Monthly Remuneration: Rs. 5200/- P.M.

Reservation for PH, Sports Man, Ex-Service Man is applicable under concerned rules.

AGE: The candidates must have completed 18 years of age as on 1.10.20113 and the upper age limit as prescribed by the Govt.

The selection will be made strictly basing on the marks secured by the candidates in the qualifying Examination prescribed for the post and as per the guidelines laid down by Govt.

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1. The engagement on contractual basis is purely temporary and mayibe terminated at any time without any notice and without assigning any reasons thereof. The selected candidates will have to sign an agreement prescribed by Finance Department for the purpose.
2. The candidates shall have to submit an undertaking to the effect that they will not claim any Govt.Post/Regular appointment in future as a matter or right. They will also undertake that they will not claim any financial benefit other than the monthly consolidated amount which they will receive.
3. The candidates will not claim for any Govt, accommodation and they have to arrange their own accommodation.
4. The candidates appointed on contractual basis will not claim for inter Medical College transfer.
5. The applicants have to apply to the Superintendent, VSS Medical College Hospital, Bural. 768017, Dist: Sambalpur by Regd.Post/Speed Post only.
6. The vacancy position mentioned may vary.
7. Application received incomplete or after the stipulated date will not be entertained. The authority do not take any responsibility for postal delay, if any.
8. The Superintendent, VSS Medical College Hospital, Burla, Sambalpur reserves the rights for cancellation/Modification of the advertisement without assigning any reason thereof.
9. The candidates will submit an affidavit issued by the Govt. Notary to serve the Institution for a period of three years at the time of joining.
10. Preference will be given to local district candidates.

1. Attested copy of Educational Qualification Certificate and mark Sheets of HSC, +2 Science, Pharmacist certificate and attested copy of the qualifying examination pass certificate and Mark sheet thereof.
2. Attested copy of the Caste Certificate in case of SC/ST/SEBC issued by the competent authority.
3. Attested copy of the Certificate in case of PH/Ex-Service Man/Sports Man candidates issued by the competent authority.
4. Attested copy of the latest Residential Certificate issued by the competent Authority.
5. Three recent passport size photographs duly attested and signed by the applicant on the backside.
6. One number of self addressed envelop duly stamped with stamps worth Rs.25/- be enclosed with the application form.

The envelope containing the application form should be superscribed as APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF PHARMACIST (Name of the post) in block capital letters and the candidates should mention their respective categories on the envelop i.e. (UR/SEBC/SC/ST/PH/Sports Man/Ex- Service man)


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