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Applications are invited in DBT sponsored project for the post of Junior Research Fellow @ IARI | Walk in



Clinical research courses

Applications are invited for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in DBT sponsored project "Unravelling the cross talk between inflammation and apoptosis: Focusing on regulation of inflammatory mediators and apoptosis in cancer".

Post: Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

Fellowship: Rs. 12000 + 10% HRA per month as per rule of DBT, Govt. of India.

Essential qualification:  Master's degree in Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Life Science with minimum 55% marks. Age limit: not more than 28 years

Desirable: Candidates should have good knowledge of biochemistry, molecular & cell biology. NET-LS/GATE /OR /One year research experience. Experience in Cell Culture, animal handing, techniques of molecular cell biology & biochemistry will be preferred.

Duration of Project: upto the tenure of the project.

How to apply: Interested candidate can send application in prescribed format with all certificates & mark sheets by email or speed post.

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1. Name                           
2. Pass port size photograph
3. Fathers name
4. Date of birth
5. Age
5. Sex
6. Nationality
7. Address
8. Telephone / mobile no.
9. Email:
9. Academic qualifications
Name of examination Year of passing Board/ University Percentage Remark
10. NET-LS/GATE/ Research Experience :
11. Long term goal:
12. One page write up on relevant area of interest

Complete application should reach the Principal Investigator, Dr. Chandramani Pathak, Cell Biology Lab, School of Biological Sciences & Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Advanced Research, Koba Institutional Area, Koba, Gandhinagar-382 007 latest by 25th November 2013. E-mail:

Date of Interview: 27th Nov. 2013 on 11.00 AM at IIAR

1.Position in mentioned project is purely temporary, for the period of duration of the project.
2.No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. Selected candidate should be place joining instantly.
3.If performance will be not found satisfactory position can be terminate anytime without notice.

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