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Walk in for M.Pharm/M.Sc as Project Fellow in Jadavpur University

Clinical research courses

To trace the history of Jadavpur University is to trace a part of India’s freedom movement, at least from the Swadeshi Movement onwards. It was 1905 -1906. Bengal stood divided. The times were feverish.
The hegemony of the British establishment had to be challenged. Education had to play a new role in this changed scenario. It had to become a new form of resistance through which the emergent nationalist spirit could be propagated. With this in mind the National Council of Education (NCE) came into being.

Post: Project Fellow

Application are invited in the prescribed form for the following project-linked posts in the "Natural products and Drug delivery" under the UGC funded "University with Potential for Excellence- Phase II" scheme of Jadavpur University. All posts are purely temporary and the duration is indicated bellow.

PharmaceuticalTechnology: Five Posts
1.SALARY : Rs. 14000/- per month (Rs. 16000/- for GATE/NET/GPAT) + 30% HRA
2.ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS: Masters Degree in Pharmacy with at least 60% marks.
4.DURATION: Initially up to 31.03.2014
5.Date of Walk -in-interview : 08.05.13
6.Time of interview : 1.00 pm to 4.00pm
7.Venue: Seminar Room, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Technology

A. Chemical Engineering/Food Technology and Biochemical Engg. (FTBE): Two Posts
1.SALARY: Rs. 14000/- per month (Rs. 16000/- for GATE/NET/GPAT)+ 30% HRA
2.ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS: M.E. or M.Tech. in Chemical Engineering/ Food Technology/ FTBE or M.Sc. in Microbiology/ Environmental Science with at least 60% marks.
4.DURATION: Initially up to 31.03.2014
5.Date of Walk —in-interview: 13.05.13
6.Time of interview: 12pm to 3.00pm
7.Venue: New Seminar Room, Dept. of Chemical Engg.

B. Organic Chemistry: Three Posts
1.SALARY: Rs. 14,000/- per month (Rs. 16,000/- for GATE/NET/GPAT) + 30% HRA
2.ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS: Masters Degree in Organic Chemistry with at least 55% marks.
4.DURATION: Initially up to 31.03.2014
5.Date of Walk -in-interview: 14.05.13
6.Time of Interview: 11.30 am — to 2.30pm
7.Venue: Faculty Council of Science Meeting Room (UG Science Building)

Application forms are obtainable from the Information Office of the University during the working hours (11a.m. to 4 p.m.) from Monday to Friday except holidays on payment of Rs.50/-

The applicant has to appear for a walk-in interview with completed application form and attested copies of all the relevant certificates and mark-sheets along with originals. AH selected candidates will have to produce completed (Final Mark Sheet) results at the time of joining. The walking interviews will be held according to the following schedule: (All appointments are initially up to 31st March 2014).No TA/DA is admissible for attending the interview.


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