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Walk in interview for the post of MPHW (M) under N.V.B.D.C.P., Gajapati- CDMO | 19 Posts

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Gajapati district has been named after Maharaja Sri Krushna Chandra Gajapati Narayan Deb, the Ex-Raja Sahib of Paralakhemundi estate (the 1st Prime Minister of Odisha State), who is remembered for his contribution in formation of a separate Odisha province and inclusion of Paralakhemundi estate in Odisha. Gajapati district came into being with effect from 2nd October 1992.  Prior to this it was a part (Sub-Division) of Ganjam district.

A walk-in-interview will be held on the dated 30.05.13 at DTU, O/O CDMO office, Gajapati, Parlakhemundi for the following category post of MPHW (M) under Zilla Swasthya Samiti (NVBDCP).

Post: MPHW (M) under N.V.B.D.C.P., Gajapati

No of Post with Category: UR- 9, UR(PH)-1, SEBC-4, SC-1, ST-4, Total= 19

Consolidated salary (P.M): Rs. 6000/-

Essential Qualification: The candidate must have passed Diploma in Pharmacy from either Govt. or Recognised institution of Odisha and registered with Odisha pharmacy Council.

Age: The candidate must not below the 18 yrs or above 32 yrs as on 01.04.2013. Upper age limit shall be relaxed as per norm.

Interested candidates are requested to log on the website for downloading the application form and other details. Candidates are requested to appear on above the mentioned date at 9.30 AM with completely filled in application forms along with duly attested copies of all relevant documents. They are also advised to bring their original certificates for verification.

The undersigned reserve the right to accept or reject or cancel any application(s) or the advertisement without assigning any reason thereof.

1. The candidate must have passed Diploma in Pharmacy from either Government
Recognized institutions of Odisha and registered with Odisha Pharmacy Council
2. The candidate must not be below the age of 18 yrs or above 32 years as on 1.04.2013
The upper age limit shall be relaxed by 5 years in case of SC & ST, 3 yrs for SEBC candidates and 10 years in case of physically handicapped candidate (PH candidates who have the ability of walking, cycling, speaking & writing should only apply for the post.)

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Mode of Selection:
Selection will be made in order of merit according to their total marks scored and Percentage obtained in two examinations of Diploma in Pharmacy.

Other Terms and condition:
1. A Pharmacist takes (two) examination under Odisha State Board of Pharmacy for Diploma Course and supposed to clear each exam in each year conducted by the Board in first attempt. In some cases candidates clear the exam in more than one attempt. In that case, failure in each attempt for each exam, 1% of marks from total marks scored in each exam of the year will be deducted
2. No weightage shall be given for candidate having B.Pharma / M.Pharma / higher study
3. Selection will be irrespective of year of passing of Diploma in Pharmacy, in other words preference shall not be given for earlier pass outs over later pass outs.
4. The reservation for post will be made as per ORV Act.
5. Preference will be given for Candidates of Gajapati district only. In case of non availability of candidates of Gajapati District, the candidates of neighbouring districts can be taken into consideration.
6. The appointment is purely temporary and may be terminated at any time without assigning any reason thereof.
7. The selected candidate will have to submit an undertaking to the effect that, he will not claim for any Govt. Post / Regular Appointment in future / inter District Transfer
8. The candidate must have registered his name in employment Exchange.
9. Undertaking regarding submission of any certificate after submission of application in schedule date will not be entertained
10. The authority have right to reject any application without assigning reason thereof.

Interested candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria mentioned above are requested to attend the walk in interview at District Training Unit, O/O the CDMO, Gajapati on the date and time mentioned above. The candidates are requested to bring their all original certificates in support of their age, qualification, mark sheet, caste, residence & Registration certificate of Odisha Pharmacy council. The authority reserves the right of accepting / rejecting any application on the basis of the above criteria. No applications will be entertained after 5:00 PM


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