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Walk in for Multi Purpose Worker in CDMO (Pharmacist), Jharsuguda - 8 posts

Clinical research courses

A walk in interview will be conducted on dt. 06/06/2013 at 8.00 AM for filling-up of the following posts on contractual basis as per the society norms under DPMU, NRHM, CDMO (O), Jharsuguda and also the post of Jr. LT, (Malaria), contractual against permanent post with fixed remuneration. The ORV Act is applicable for the post. The details qualification/ vacancy/remuneration/required document and application form may be downloaded from the website .

Post: Multi Purpose Worker (Male)

No.of Vacancy: 08 (UR-3 ST-3 SC-2)

The candidate must have pass out Degree/Diploma in Pharmacy from either Govt. Or recognised institution of Odisha and registered with Odisha Pharmacy council. One percent mark will be deducted from the total marks secured for each failure attempt in exam.
The candidate must not be below the age of 18 years or above 32 years. (The upper age limit shall be relaxed by 5 years in case of SC and ST candidates, 3 years in case of SEBC and 10 years in PH candidates.

Consolidated Remuneration: 6,000/- P.M.

Application form and details qualification/ vacancy/ remuneration of posts may be downloaded from the website Interested candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria are required to attend the undersigned on 06/06/2013 up to 09.00 AM. The candidate must be a residence of Jharsuguda District in case of non availability, other district candidate will be considered. The applications with Original and attested photocopy of necessary supporting documents (as per Annex-A) to be brought along with. The candidates attend after due time i.e. dt. 06/06/2013 at 9.00 AM will not be allowed for interview. The undersigned reserves the right to cancel any or all the candidature without assigning any reason thereof. Vacancies/ Categories may vary at the time of actual engagement.


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