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RPRC invites M.Pharm/M.Sc (12 posts) | Require Junior Research Fellow, Technical Assistant, Project Assistant

Clinical research courses

RPRC is a premier R&D establishment of Govt. of Odisha implementing projects concerning macro and micro propagation of plants, molecular taxonomy, bio-prospecting plant pathology, ethno pharmacology, Orchid Biology, Conservation Biology etc. Applications are invited from eligible candidates for about 9 positions (Research Fellows) & 2 Technical/Project Assistants in its ongoing projects for engagement on temporary basis through walk-in-interview to be held on 10th & 11th June, 2013 at RPRC conference hall. For the details on eligibility criteria, duration of project, fellowship etc. please visit the RPRC website (

Post: Junior Research Fellow, Technical Assistant, Project Assistant

Interview Date: 10th June, 2013 at 11:30 AM. (Registration Time – 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM)

1. Name & No. of Post, fellowship: JRF – 2 (As per rules of MoEF, GOI)
Project Name / Sponsor: Inventory and study of wild edible and poisonous mush-rooms in the forest ecosystem of Odisha. / MoEF, GOI
Duration of Project: 3 years
Essential Minimum Qualification: 1st class M.Sc. Microbiology/ Botany/ Plant Pathology/Agriculture/ Life Science
Desired Experience: Mushroom diversity & characterization.

2. Name & No. of Post, fellowship: JRF – 1    12000/-
Project Name / Sponsor: Antioxidant and antidiabetic activity of Homalium sps. GoO
Duration of Project: 2 years
Essential Minimum Qualification: 1st class M.Pharm/ Botany /Life Science
Desired Experience: Extraction of plant bioactive compounds & handling experience in animal & cell cultures

3. Name & No. of Post, fellowship: JRF – 1    12000/-
Project Name / Sponsor: Standardization of mass propagation methods, agrono-mic practices and molecular markers of hybrid (Dendrobium and Phalaenopsic) and wild (Eria and Tainia) Orchids. GoO
Duration of Project: 2 years
Essential Minimum Qualification: 1st class M.Sc. Botany/ Biotechnology/ life Science
Desired Experience: 2 year experience in Plant Tissue Culture

4. Name & No. of Post, fellowship: JRF – 1    12000/-
Project Name / Sponsor: Proteomic studies on banana and other wild edile fruit plants of Odisha. GoO
Duration of Project: 2 years
Essential Minimum Qualification: 1st class M.Sc. Botany/ Plant Science/ Life Science/ Genetics/ Plant Biotech./ Plant Molecular Biology
Desired Experience: Relevant lab experience

Interview Date: 10th June, 2013 at 3:00 PM. (Registration Time – 3:00 P.M. - 3:30 PM)

5. Name & No. of Post, fellowship: TA - 1   8000/-
Project Name / Sponsor: Inventory and study of wild edible and poisonous mush-rooms in the forest ecosystem of Odisha. MoEF, GOI
Duration of Project: 3 years
Essential Minimum Qualification: M.Sc. Microbiology/M.Sc. Botany
Desired Experience: 2-3 years of experience in Microbiological techniques.

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Interview Date: 11th June, 2013 at 11:30 AM. (Registration Time – 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM)

6. Name & No. of Post, fellowship: JRF – 1   12000/-
Project Name / Sponsor: Isolation and functional validation of salt tolerant genes from mangrove plants of Odisha. GoO
Duration of Project: 2 years
Essential Minimum Qualification: 1st class M.Sc. Botany/ Plant Biotech./ Plant Science/ Life Science/ Genetics/ Plant Molecular Biology
Desired Experience: Relevant lab experience

7. Name & No. of Post, fellowship: JRF – 1   12000/-
Project Name / Sponsor: Study on distribution, phytogeography and reproductive biology of Symplocos racemosa Roxb. Odisha./ GoO
Duration of Project: 2 years
Essential Minimum Qualification: 1st class M.Sc. Botany/ Plant Science
Desired Experience: Plant Taxonomy & Reproductive biology

8. Name & No. of Post, fellowship: JRF – 1   12000/-
Project Name / Sponsor: Ex situ conservation of endangered medicinal plants Cordia macleodii Hook. F. and Thoms. And Blepharispermum subsessile DC. GoO
Duration of Project: 2 years
Essential Minimum Qualification: 1st M.Sc. Botany/ Plant Science/ M.Sc (Agriculture)
Desired Experience: Macro & Micro propagation technique

9. Name & No. of Post, fellowship: JRF – 1   12000/-
Project Name / Sponsor: Development of RT-PCR based multiplex diagnostic assay for fungal pathogens cause Downy mildew on vegetable crops. GoO
Duration of Project: 2 years
Essential Minimum Qualification: 1st class M.Sc. Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Life Science/ Plant Pathology
Desired Experience: 1-2 years experience in Molecular biology techniques and bioinformatics tools.

10. Name & No. of Post, fellowship: SRF – 1   14,000/- or 16,000/- for NET/LS
Project Name / Sponsor: Development of DNA barcodes for a set of native medicinal plants used in herbal/traditional medicines in Eastern Ghats. GoO
Duration of Project: 2 years
Essential Minimum Qualification: 1st class M.Sc. Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Life Science/ Plant Pathology.
Desired Experience: 2-3 years experience in RT-PCR/ Cloning/ DNA sequencing and bioinformatics tools.

Interview Date: 11th June, 2013 at 3:00 PM. (Registration Time – 3:00 P.M. - 3:30 PM)

11. Name & No. of Post, fellowship: PA – 1 6000/-
Project Name / Sponsor: Establishment and standardization of Viral Indexing and diagnostic Kit for production of Virus-Free tissue cultured banana plantlets at RPRC. GoO
Duration of Project: 2 years
Essential Minimum Qualification: B.Sc. or M.Sc appeared in Botany/ Microbiology/ Biotechnology.
Desired Experience: Relevant lab experience

Instructions and information for candidates:
1. Interested candidates fulfilling all the eligibility criteria can download the Application Form and step in for the Walk-in-Interview along with the filled in application form (self-attested photograph and photocopies of certificates etc.)and original for verification. Application forms with incomplete and wrong information detected are liable to be rejected.

2. The candidates at the time of registration should specify if they would like to appear for more than one post, separate application form is to be submitted in duplicate for each post at the time of registration. The interview for each post at the time of registration. The interview will continue for 2 days starting from 11:30 A.M. to 10.06.2013 depending on the no. of candidates.

3. Chief Executive, RPRC reserves all rights to cancel recruitment of any or all the posts.

4. Posts are purely temporary, engagement can be extended or curtailed depending upon the duration of project or performance of the candidate.

5. Age limit for General candidate is 30 years. Age relaxation is admissible to SC/ST/PH/OBC candidates as per rules Govt. of Odisha.

6. No TA/ DA will be paid for attending the Interview.

7. NET/LS/Gate/Pre Ph.D qualified candidates will be given preference.

8. The selected candidate will be required to join by 1st July, 2013.


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