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B.L.D.E Association’s, College of Pharmacy invites Principal, Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor

Clinical research courses

The Bijapur Liberal District Educational Association (BLDEA) was established in 1910. Founded by Philanthropists and Visionaries par excellence, who foresaw the tremendous scope and significance of education in North Karnataka region, the BLDE Association has emerged as one of the foremost charitiable associations in Karnataka. Shri B. M. Patil, a renowned statesman, was one of the most notable custodians of the Association has honed and nurtured 75 Educational Institutions catering to the following streams

Post: Principal, Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor

B.L.D.E Association Bijapur, a premier society which is on the threshold of its centenary celebration was established in 1910, Invites applications for the Post of Principal, Professor,  Associate Professor & Assistant Professor for various subjects

Qualification & Experience: As per AICTE Norms.

Scale: On par with AICTE Norms & DA as per Association Norms.

Applications with relevant documents should be emailed to on or before 07th June 2013. For further details, log on to


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