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Applications are invited for Junior Research Fellow, Senior Research Fellow, PDF in GBPUAT | Walk in

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Applications are invited for the posts of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) , Senior Research Fellow (SRF) and PDF (Contractual Scientist ) in the Institute of Biotechnology , G.B. Pant University of Ag. & Tech., Patwadangar (Nainital) , Uttarakhand . The monthly emoluments and qualifications for the above posts are as follows:

Post: Junior Research Fellow, Senior Research Fellow, PDF

JRF(Veterinary) / (Others)
Total No. of Posts: 7
Emoluments (Rs./Month): Rs. 8000 / 5760
Qualification: B.V.Sc & AH/BSc (Bio), BSc Ag. & AH., B.Sc. (MLT), DMLT with 2 - 3 years experience.
Desirable: M.V.Sc, M.Sc. (Microbiology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Life Sciences, MLT)

SRF (Veterinary) / (Others)
Total No. of Posts: 1
Emoluments (Rs./Month): Rs.14000 / 12000
Qualification: B.V.Sc & AH/BSc (Bio), BSc Ag. & AH., B.Sc. (MLT), DMLT with 2 - 3 years experience.
Desirable: M.V.Sc, M.Sc. (Microbiology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Life Sciences, MLT)

PDF (Contractual Scientist)
Total No. of Posts: 1
Emoluments (Rs./Month): Rs.18000
Qualification: PhD (Microbiology, Biotechnology, Pathology, Biochemistry, Parasitology, Molecular Biology, Pharmacy/Pharmaceutical Chemistry/Analytical Chemistry/Organic Chemistry; M.V.Sc./M.Tech. (Biotech./MD (Ayurveda)); M.Sc. (Life Sciences) with 02 years experience on Anticancer, Antiviral and Antibacterial herbal preparations and Cowpathy.
Desirable: Experience on Vaccine Development/ Pharmaceutical R&D Programmes; Herbal/Natural pharmaceuticals.

Date, Time & Venue of Interview: 17 th June , 2013 at 10.00 AM , Office of the Campus Director, Institute of Biotechnology, Patwadangar, Distt . Nainital, Uttarakhand (Patwadangar is situated on Kathgodam - Nainital road just 9 km before Nainital. Approach road begins from Highway ( B aldiakhan ) to the Institute of Biotechnology, Patwadangar (2 km)).

Desirous applicants may apply for the above posts and may appear in the above Interview on the aforesaid date, time & venue. Application along with a type written bio - data, passport size (latest) ph otograph should reach the undersigned on or before 15 th June , 2013 . All original certificates together with their attested photocopies should be provided at the time of Interview. No separate call letter for interview shall be issued. The positions are pur ely temporary on contractual basis and Institute will not be held responsible to give regular appointments. The appointment shall be given on six monthly review bas is. No TA/DA will be admissible for attending the interview.

No. IBT/2013 / JRF - SRF - PDF / 1911

Institute of Biotechnology,
(Govind Ballabh Pant Univeristy of Agriculture and Technology)
Patwadangar (Nainital)-263128, Uttarakhand


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