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Require Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor for Pharmaceutical Technology @ SRICT

Clinical research courses

SRICT is about finding solutions to social exclusion and disintegration and will look to work with private, public and third sector partners in stimulating cohesion, entrepreneurship, economic development and involvement in neighborhood renewal and regeneration within community of chemical industries at Ankleshwar. The basic academic philosophy of the Shroff S.R. Rotary Institute of Chemical Technology is to focus on Chemical Technology (covering Chemical Engineering and other Chemical Technology Courses) as the Gujarat’s industrial strength lies in these areas besides Chemical Engineering. The other guiding philosophy is to create R & D infrastructure in these areas (including trained manpower) to meet the industrial needs of Gujarat.

Post: Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor

in Pharmaceutical Technology - total 3 posts

Please visit our website for qualification, experience, and pay scales for above posts. Please send your duly filled application form to The Principal at or by registered post with self attested certificates and testimonials so as to reach our office on or before 23rd March 2013.

Candidates already in service should attach a copy of their latest salary slip/certificate duly signed by competent authority. Applications received in our format (available at will only be considered.


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