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NRIP invites applications for post of Pharmacist

Clinical research courses

The National Research Institute for Panchakarma ( NRIP ) is one of the more than 30 Institutes under Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, which is an autonomous body under Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India. The CCRAS is the Apex body in India for formulation, development and promotion of research in Ayurvedic system of medicine.

The National Research Institute for Panchakarma has one vacant post of Pharmacist ( reserved for OBC ) to be filled - up on regular basis and candidates fulfilling the requirements for the post, as detailed below, may apply.

Post: Pharmacist

Maximum age limit: 28 years as on 1.1.2013.

Scale of pay : - Pay Band – 1, i.e., Rs.5,200 - 20,200 + Grade Pay of Rs.2,800/ -

Educational and other qualifications : -
Essential : Matric or equivalent with Certificate of Pharmacy of minimum duration of 2 years from a recognized Statutory Board/ University/ Institution and 02 years experience preferably in the dispensary/ Hospital in Ayurvedic medicine or in a recognized pharmacy.

Interested persons may send their applications to the Administrative Officer, NRIP, at the afore - mentioned address on or before 9.4.2013.

General conditions : -
1. The post is temporary but likely to continue. Fresh appointees will be governed by New Pension Schem e. The appointed candidate will be on probation for two years and is liable to be transferred to any of the Institutes/ Units under CCRAS.
2. OBC certificate must be in the form prescribed by Deptt. of Personnel & Training, Govt. of India, fo r applying for appointment to posts under Govt. of India and must be signed by any one of the authorities declared by them as competent to issue such certificates. Applications of candidates who furnish caste certificates in any other form shall be summarily rejected.
3. In addition to age relaxation of 3 years admissible to all OBC candidates, in respect of OBC candidates who are Physically Handicapped and/ or Persons employed in Govt./ fully funded Govt. organizations, a dditional age relaxation will be admissible as per Central Govt. rules in force provided sufficient documentary evidence is provided for the same.
4. Work experience will be determined as on last date for receipt of applications.
5. Application form can be downloaded from the Council’s website or below
6. The application for the said post is to be sent by ordinary post on or before 9.4.2013 by superscribing the envelope “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF PHARMACIST”. Applications received after the due date will not be considered under any circumstance. No application fee is required to be remitted.
7. Persons already in service in the Central/ State Govt. or Govt. organisations must submit their app lication through proper channel. While forwarding applications of in - service candidates, Head of the Institution concerned should certify that the applicant is free from administrative and vigilance and also that no vigilance proceedings are pending or contemplated. Photocopies of ACR/ APAR of the candidate for the last five years should also be forwarded along with the application in separate sealed cover.
8. Selection will be based on the performance in written test and interview. Written test will comprise of 70 multiple choice questions on the subject and will be of 50 minutes duration. Only those who qualify in the written test will be called for interview.
9. Late applications/ Incomplete applications/ applications without attested copies of certificates of academic qualification, experience, age and caste certificate will be summarily rejected.
10. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
11. Director General, CCRAS, reserves the right to cancel the advertisement without assigning any reasons.


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