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Government invites Pharmacist (Trainee) & Staff Nurses in South Eastern Coalfields - Freshers | Total 46 Posts

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South Eastern Coalfields Limited invites applications from the willing candidates who fulfill required qualification for the following vacant posts. The details and other terms & condition are given below.After the appointment the candidates will have the benefit of other allowances, beside the Basic Salary, VDA, SDA as per rules of Coal India Limited under National Coal Wages Agreement-VIII.

Post: Pharmacist (Trainee) & Staff Nurses

Pharmacist (Trainee): TOTAL 16 POSTS {2-SC, 1-ST, 4-OBC, 9-GENERAL}
01. 10+2 certificate with science-
02. Diploma in Pharmacy registered with Pharmacy Council under Pharmacy Act, 1948 with valid registration. The Diploma in Pharmacy reffered to above should be recognized/approved by the Pharmacy Council/Central/State.
03. Candidates belonging to General Category are required to obtain 65% aggregate marks in all respective years of their degree/diploma, while candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC(Gen) are required to obtain 55% aggregate marks. (Please enclose marksheets of each year).


Staff Nurses: TOTAL 31 POSTS {4-SC, 2-ST, 8-OBC, 17-GENERAL}
01. 10+2 certificate.
02. ‘A’ Grade Nursing Diploma or Certificate with three years course from a recognized institute approved by the Govt.
03. Candidates belonging to General Category are required to obtain 65% aggregate marks in all respective years of their degree/diploma, while candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC(Gen) are required to obtain 55% aggregate marks. (Please enclose Three years marksheets.)
04. Registration Certificate from Nursing Council of India required.

Salary: Rs. 10127.70

Age Limit: Age as on date 01-03-2012 (Minimum 18 years and Maximum General - 30 years, OBC-33 years and SC-35 years.)

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General Information:-
1. Govt. /PSU employees should send their application through proper channel.
2. Application form should be filled completely. Enclosed attested potocopies of all Academic & Technical Qualification, Experience. Incomplete application will not be considered.
3. Candidate will be selected on the basis of Written Test and Interview.
4. The copy of Caste certificate issued by the competent authority which should be counter signed with seal by Gezetteds Officer.
5. SC/ST Candidates called for Written Examination/Interview will be reimbursed the ordinary class fare on production of Railway receipt / Bus receipt ticket no.
6. Application filled as per format in plain paper along with two attested passport size photographs should be sent by post, addressed to
General Manager (Man Power),
South Eastern Coalfields Limited,
P.B.No. 60, Bilaspur (CG)
Pin 495 006.

Application will be accepted only by post.
7. The last date of receipt of complete filled application by this office is 10.04.2012. The application received after 10.04.2012 will not be entertained.
8. Name of the post “Post applied for ……………..” should be mentioned clearly on the top of the right side of the envelope.
9. All the information regarding advertisement, written test,interview and selection will be seen in SECL website
10. Candidature of ineligible candidates shall be rejected at any stage.
11. The advertised posts may be reduced/increased.


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