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Applications invited for Filling up of posts of Scientific Services in Food Safety and Standards Authority of India

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The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India has been established under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 as a statutory body for laying down science based standards for articles of food and regulating manufacturing, processing, distribution, sale and import of food so as to ensure safe and wholesome food for human consumption.

Filling up of posts of Management Services and Scientific Services in Food Safety and Standards Authority of India on deputation including short term contract/Contract (outsourced) -reg.

Scientist Group IV (4)
Pay Band + Grade Pay: PB-4, Rs 37400-67000 + 8700
No. of Posts: 2
(a) Officers from Central or State Government/ Autonomous Bodies/ government controlled /funded recognised research institutions /Universities /PSUs :
(i) holding analogous or equivalent post on regular basis; or
(ii) with five years regular service in Pay Band 3 (Rs.15600-39100) with Grade Pay Rs.7600 or equivalent.
(b) possessing the following educational qualification and experience and Essential qualification:-
(i) Masters Degree or equivalent from a recognised university or institution in field of Chemistry/Bio chemistry/Food Technology/ Edible Oil Technology/ Microbiology/ Dairy Technology/ Agriculture Engineering/ Veterinary Science/ Bio-technology/ Nutrition/Toxicology or any other related disciplines with twelve years experience of working in research and development in Laboratory/ Research Institutions /Scientific Organisations in the field of food science/ standards/safety out of which five years should be as group leader or in a supervisory capacity and should have handled food science related programmes involving planning, development and coordination.; or
(ii) Doctorate Degree in any of the aforesaid subjects with ten years experience of working in research and development in Laboratory/ Research Institutions /Scientific Organisations in the field of food science/ standards/safety out of which four years should be as group leader or in a supervisory capacity and should have handled food science related programmes involving planning, development and coordination.
(iii) Should have published research work in related field.

Scientist Group IV (1)
Pay Band + Grade Pay: PB-3, Rs15600-39100 + 5400
No. of Posts: 6
On Contract (outsourced)
Essential qualification:- Masters Degree or equivalent from a recognised university or institution in field of Chemistry/Bio chemistry/Food Technology/ Edible Oil Technology/ Microbiology/ Dairy Technology/ Agriculture Engineering/ Veterinary Science/ Bio-technology/ Nutrition/Toxicology or any other related disciplines with two years experience of working in research and development in Laboratory/ Research Institutions /Scientific Organisations in the field of food science/ standards/safety and should have handled food science related programmes involving planning, development and coordination.
Desirable qualification:- Doctorate Degree in any of the aforesaid subjects Age limit for contract:- 35 years as on closing date of applications.


1. It is proposed to fill up various posts in FSSAI Head Quarters / Regional Offices on transfer on deputation on Foreign Service terms including short term contract/contract as per details contained in Annexure–1 of this circular. Officers fulfilling the eligibility criteria & experience as in Annexure – I may apply in the prescribed Performa (Annexure–II).
2. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is an autonomous statutory Authority set up under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 for laying down science based standards for articles of food and to regulate their manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import, to ensure availability of safe and wholesome food for human consumption.
3. The terms of deputation including pay of the officials selected on deputation will be governed by provisions laid down in the Department of Personnel and Training’s No.6/8/2009-Estt.(Pay II) dated 17th June, 2010.
4. The initial period of deputation in FSSAI shall be three years. The period of deputation, in case of employees already on deputation in another ex-cadre post including, the period of deputation held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization/Department shall not exceed five years. The maximum age limit for appointment on deputation shall be 56 years on the last day of receiving the applications. The Food Authority reserves the right not to fill up all or any of the vacancies
5. Officers who volunteer for the post(s) will not be permitted to withdraw their candidature. Only such applications as are accompanied by the requisite personal data in Annexure – II alongwith necessary certificates/documents forwarded through proper channel will be considered.
6. It is requested to give wide publicity to the vacancy circular amongst the staff under your administrative control. The applications in the prescribed Performa (Annexure II), along with upto date CR Dossiers of the officers who can be spared in the event of their selection, may be forwarded to this Authority latest by 10th April, 2012.
7. While forwarding the applications, it may be verified and certified that the particulars furnished by the officer are correct and no disciplinary proceedings are either pending or contemplated against him/her. The integrity of the officer may also please be certified. It may also be confirmed that no major/minor penalty has been imposed on him/her during the last ten years.
8. Application received after the last date or without the CR dossiers or otherwise found incomplete will not be considered.

F. No. A-12037/01/2012/Admn-FSSAI
Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

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