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Opportunity for top Indian students to take Australian Ph.D at RMIT-IICT Research Centre

Clinical research courses

Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad is a premier R&D Institute in India. The Institute had its origin as the Central Laboratories for Scientific & Industrial Research (CLSIR), established in 1944 by the then Government of Hyderabad State. After integration of Hyderabad State with the Indian Union, the laboratory expanded with its growing activities. The main building was formally opened by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the then Prime Minister of India on January 2, 1954. In 1956, the Central Laboratories came under the aegis of the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi and was renamed Regional Research Laboratory, Hyderabad (RRL-H).

Post: Junior Research Fellowship (RMIT)

No. of Positions: Up to 9 (may vary at the time of interview)

Applications are invited from candidates who possess the following qualifications for (he positions of Junior Research Fellowship (RMIT) for a joint project in conjunction with Indian Institute of Chemical Technology-Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), Australia joint Research Centre located at the Hyderabad IICT premises.

Project Titles and Description: PhD Program of RMIT-IICT Research Centre. Candidates will be expected to perform catalytic reactions for green chemistry, control of greenhouse gas emissions, Biomass to value added chemicals, Polymeric/hybrid/nano materials for energy conversion (111 generation solar cells) and/ or Energy Savings (coatings, composites etc), synthesis of complex natural products, material science, nanotechnology and biotechnology.

Essential Qualifications: 1st Class in M.Sc. / M.Tech (Physical/Organic/lnorganic/Biotech/Chemeng/ materials/nanotechiiology). Candidates with minimum IELTS score of 6.5 will be considered for the engagement. Cahdidates without an IELTS score can also apply provided they get the required score within 12 months of their initial engagement.

Desirable: CSIR/UCG NET (lectureship qualified) or GATE Qualified are preferred

Stipend: INR 22,000/month while studying in lndia, and No Fee costs and a RMIT scholarship of A$25,0007annum while studying in Australia.

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Age Limit: The upper age limit for JRF is 28 years, which is relaxed up to 5 years in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes, Women, Physically Handicapped and 3 years for OBC applicants. Relaxation in age will also be cOhsidered for those candidates who have earlier experience at IICT or any CSIR laboratory in a temporary position or Training Program with excellent Academic & work record

Selection: The selection will be based on the shortlisting based on academic qualifications and followed by an interview. The engagement will initially be for a period of 6 monlhs/1 year, which may be extended or curtailed depending on the duration of the tenure of project/satisfactory performance or conduct of the candidates. The engagement will be purely on a temporary basis for the sponsored projects and shall not have any right for CSIR/IICT post or fellowship.

How to Apply: Candidates who wish to apply should submit the application in the prescribed format which can be downloaded from duly filled, signed and supported by attested copies of certificates should be forwarded in an envelope super-scribed 'Application for JUNIOR RESEARCH FELLOW (RMIT)' to The Director, Indian institute of Chemical Technology, Tarnaka, Uppal road, Hyderabad-500 607. The last date for submission of the application is 10th July 2013.

Successful candidates will be enrolled at RMIT University and will receive an Australian PhD degree. They will also have the opportunity to study in Australia for a maximum period of one year.

Students will pay NO FEE for this degree in Australia. Students will also receive an appropriate living scholarship/stipend while studying In Australia (A$25,000/annum)

Notification No. 1/2013 (RMIT-IICT)


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