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The Company (Manufacturing Ayurvedic and Unani Medicines) having obtained drug licence from licensing authority (G.M.P. Certificate  renewed upto 09.06.2015) (Drug licence renewed upto 31.12.2010, applied for renewal) is a GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ENTERPRISE (under the Administrative Control of the Department of AYUSH (Ministry of Health & Family Welfare), Indian Red Cross Building, Red Cross Road, New Delhi).
Company was set up with the objectives to supply medicines to the Central Government Hospitals and Central Government Research Units all over India C.C.R.A.S., C.C.R.U.M. etc.) and to certain State govt. related dept., besides sales in the open Market. The Company had appointed certain Stockists/agents.  Total products (around) – Ayurvedic - 185     Unani – 100.  Sales for years 2003-04 to 2009-10 was Rs. 4.56 Crore, Rs.6.22  Crore , Rs.8.42  Crore , Rs.8.83  Crore , Rs.10.51  Crore , Rs.13.96  Crore  and Rs. 19.90  Crore  respectively.

The Company, a ‘MINI RATNA’, ISO 9001-2008 and GMP Certified Central PSU, requires bright and dynamic professionals for the following posts:

(A) Name of Post : Additional Manager (Strategic & Perspective Planning)– Reserved for Scheduled Caste
2. Scale of Pay : 16400-40500 (IDAP)
3. No. of Post : One (1)
4. Essential Educational/Professional Qualification : MBA (Strategic Management/Finance) OR M.Pharma/B. Pharma.
5. Experience : MBA/M. Pharma with 5 years or B. Pharma with 10 years experience in similar line in a reputed industrial firm/PSU.
6. Age : Below 35 years, relexable for internal candidate (Internal candidate should have atleast 2 years residual service in the company for superannuation).

(B) Name of Post : Additional Manager (Marketing) – Reserved for Scheduled Caste
2. Scale of Pay : 16400-40500 (IDAP)
3. No. of Post : One (1)
4. Essential Educational/Professional Qualification :
(i) Graduate in any discipline
(ii) Post Graduate Diploma or Diploma in Marketing
5. Experience : 7 years experience in pharmaceutical selling, out
of which at least 2 years as front line manager / Supervisor.
6. Desirable : B. Pharma
7. Age :
Below 40 years, relexable for internal candidates. (Internal candidate should have atleast 2 years residual service in the company for superannuation).

(C) Name of Post : Dy Manager (Pkg & Del.) – Reserved for Scheduled Caste
2. Scale of Pay : 12600-32500 (IDAP)
3. No. of Post : One (1)
4. Essential Educational/Professional Qualification : (i) Graduate in any discipline.
(ii) Proficiency in computer application.
5. Experience : 5 years working experience of independently handling despatch and delivery of goods in a manufacturing unit of repute.
6. Age : Below 35 years. Age relexable for internal candidates (Internal candidate should have atleast 2 years residual service in the company for superannuation).

(D) Name of Post : Asstt Manager (Inventory Control) – Reserved for Scheduled Caste
2 Scale of Pay : 11000-28500 (IDAP)
3 No. of Post : One (1)
4 Essential Educational
Professional Qualification :
i) Graduate in Science / Commerce
ii) Diploma/P.G. Diploma in Materials Management.
5. Experience : 3 years working experience in Production Planning Control Deptt in a Pharmaceutical manufacturing company in Pvt. / Public Sector Undertaking.
6. Age : Below 35 years. Age relexable for internal candidates (Internal candidate should have atleast 2 years residual service in the company for superannuation).

(E) Name of Post : Asstt Manager (Admin.) – Reserved for O.B.C.
2. Scale of Pay : 11000-28500 (IDAP)
3. No. of Post : One (1)
4. Essential Educational/Professional Qualification : Graduate in any discipline.
5. Experience : Minimum 3 years experience in HRD/ Admn./ Personnel Deptt. of a PSU/Manufacturing unit.
6. Desirable : Diploma in Office/Personnel Management.
7 Age :
Below 35 years, relexable for internal candidates. (Internal candidate should have atleast 2 years residual service in the company for superannuation)

(F) Name of Post : Office Assistant – Reserved for Scheduled Caste
2. Scale of Pay : 8000-22000 (IDAP)
3. No. of Post : One (1)
4. Essential Educational/Professional Qualification : (i) Intermediate or equivalent.
(ii) Proficiency in computer application.
5. Age : Below 35 years, relexable for internal candidates (Internal candidate should have atleast 2 years residual service in the company for superannuation).

(G) Name of Post : Office Assistant – Reserved for OBC
2. Scale of Pay : 8000-22000 (IDAP)
3. No. of Post : One (1)
4. Essential Educational/ Professional Qualification : (i) Intermediate or equivalent.
(ii) Proficiency in computer application.
5. Age : Below 35 years, relexable for internal candidates (Internal candidate should have atleast 2 years residual service in the company for superannuation).

(H) Name of Post : Jr Supervisor – Reserved for Scheduled Tribe
2. Scale of Pay : 8000-22000 (IDAP)
3. No. of Post : One (1)
4. Essential Educational/ Professional Qualification : Middle pass. No educational qualification bar for the highly skilled/ deserving candidate with long experience in the line of a Pharma. Industry.
5. Experience : At least 7 years working experience in a Pharma. Industry.
6. Age : Below 35 years, relexable for internal candidates. (Internal candidate should have atleast 2 years residual service in the company for superannuation).

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General Information:
a. The Management reserves the right to reject any or all the applications without assigning any reason thereof.
b. In case of over-whelming response, the applications will be sorted out.
c. Persons employed in Govt./Quasi Govt./Public Sector Undertakings must apply through Proper Channel.
d. Outstation candidates called for interview will be reimbursed to and fro actual bus fare/second-class rail fare by shortest route on production of ticket. No local/taxi fare will be paid.
e. Computation of age limit and experience will be as on 31.03.2012.

Relaxation in Age limit:
Age limit for SCs/STs/OBCs/PHs etc. will be relaxable as per rules/Government rules. Any canvassing directly or indirectly by the applicant will disqualify his/her candidature.

Candidates should send their application, preferably typed on plain paper, (giving details as: - (1) Post applied for, (2) Name of Candidate, (3) Mother’s name, (4) Father’s/Husband’s name, (5) Date of Birth, (6) Whether SC/ST/OBC etc. (Attach true copy of certificate), (7) Permanent Address, (8) Address for correspondence, (9) Nationality, (10) Educational & Professional Qualifications with name of institution (attach true copy of certificates), (11) Detail of Working Experience (attach true copy of certificates), and (12) Last pay drawn) accompanied by recent passport size photograph along with the declaration:- “ I hereby declare that all statements made in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that in the event of any information being found false or incorrect or suppressed, my candidature, at any stage, is liable to be cancelled.”
Date: __________
Signature of Applicant

Application should reach within 15 days from the date of advertisement to ‘General Manager, Indian Medicines Pharmaceutical Corporation Ltd., Mohan, Dist. Almora (Via Ramnagar- 244 715), Uttarakhand.’


The advertisement for filling up the vacant post reserved for SC/ST/OBC under special recruitment drive was published in Amar Ujala on 26.06.2012. The last date of receipt of application was upto 10.07.2012, which has now been extended up to 30.07.2012

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