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Applications Invited or Faculty Positions in IIT, Rajashtan

Clinical research courses

The Indian Institute of Technology Rajasthan is one of the recent IITs constituted by MHRD the Govt. of India in 2008. The Institute is operating since 2010 from its temporary Campus, Old Residency Road, Ratanada, Jodhpur and is mentored by IIT Kanpur. A sprawling 842 acres of land at Karwar is under development as the residential campus. The Institute plans to develop an ecofriendly new Campus of international standard with all modern facilities.

The Institute strives to attract faculty, students and scholars from India and across the world having a passion and commitment to excel in teaching and research. Faculty and students from different disciplines are encouraged to carry forward research on important technological, scientific and social issues challenging the contemporary world. The Institute aims at faculty-student-industry interactive participation to transform IIT Rajasthan into an outstanding Institute competent to address the challenges facing the Nation and the society at large.

Teaching and research activities of the Institute for Undergraduate (UG), Postgraduate (PG) and Ph.D Programmes are structured around various Centres of Excellence (CoEs) of the Institute. Each of the CoE includes participation in selected domains researchers from renowned academic and
research institutions or industry from India and abroad, to carry out their research work in new/frontier areas. These CoEs with their multidisciplinary approach, ethos, diversity and multicultural work environment aim at transforming IIT Rajasthan into a world class institute.

Applications are invited from Indian Nationals (foreign nationals may also apply for contractual appointment) with a proven track record in teaching, industry and research for a faculty position in the following disciplines:
1. Computer Science & Engineering, Electrical Engineering, & Mechanical Engineering,

2. Mathematics & Statistics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology,
3. English, Economics, Theology, Psychology, Sociology
4. ICT, Energy, Systems Science, Public Policy, Arts & Culture, Music

Qualification & Experience
Faculty Post: Professor

Qualification: Ph.D. degree in relevant specialization cited above and first class at the preceding degree with consistently good academic record throughout.

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Experience (in Teaching/Research/Industry): A minimum of 10 years teaching /research/professional experience of which at least 4 years should be at the level of Associate Professor in a research organisation or industry as on the date of application. The candidate should have demonstrated leadership in research in a specific area of specialization in terms of guidance of Ph.D students, strong record of publications in reputed journals and conferences, patent, laboratory/course development and/or other recognized relevant professional activities.

Faculty Post: Associate Professor

Qualification: -Do-

Experience (in Teaching/Research/Industry): A minimum of 6 years teaching /research/professional experience of which at least 3 years should be at the level of Assistant Professor, Senior Scientific Officer/Senior Design Engineer in a research organization or industry as on the date of application. The Candidate should have demonstrated adequate experience of independent research in term of guidance of M.Tech and Ph.D students, publications in reputed journals and conference, patents laboratory/course development and/or other recognized relevant professional activities.

Faculty Post: Assistant Professor

Qualification: -Do-

Experience (in Teaching/Research/Industry): At least 3 years of teaching/research/professional experience excluding however, the experience gained while pursuing Ph.D. Candidate should have demonstrated research capabilities in terms of publication in reputed journals, and conferences.

Scale of Pay
Post: Professor
Scale: PB-4 (Rs 37,400- 67,000)
AGP: Rs. 10,500/-
Post: Associate Professor
Scale: PB-4 (Rs 37,400- 67,000)
AGP: Rs. 9,500/-
Post: Assistant Professor
Scale: PB 3 (Rs 15,600 - 39,100)
AGP: Rs 8,000/-

Other admissible benefits include D.A., Medical Benefits, and Transportation Allowance etc. as per Govt of India rules applicable at Jodhpur.

Higher emoluments may be given to candidates with significant research/industrial experience.

Last Date for Submission of Application Form: 14.08.2011

Interested candidates shall send their application in the prescribed form which is available in PDF Format and DOC format in the website of IIT Rajasthan

Typed or legibly written applications in the prescribed format complete in all respects with relevant details/ enclosures are to be sent to:

The Officer-in-Charge, Recruitment Office,
IIT Rajasthan Camp Office,
Old Residency Road, RATANADA,
Jodhpur – 342 011,


Instructions and information to candidates seeking appointment:
1. Candidates should satisfy themselves that they possess the essential qualifications for the post as those possessing the required qualifications and experience will only be considered.
2. Fill in the prescribed application form including the summary sheet legibly and correctly. Attach separate sheets for any relevant additional information.
3. Candidates should attach self attested copies of the grades or marks sheets taken during M.Tech / Ph. D programmes and an Abstract of their Ph. D Thesis.
4. Applicants who are employed in Government, Semi-Government, Autonomous Organizations, Public Sector Enterprises, Universities, and Educational Institutions must send their applications THROUGH PROPER CHANNEL or else they will be required to produce a No Objection Certificate (NoC) from their employer at the time of interview. Without a ‘NoC’ candidates may not be interviewed or allowed any payment towards their
travelling expenses.
5. Reservations are as per Govt of India norms.

• Applications/enquiries, if any shall be addressed to OIC, Recruitment Office only. However, for faster response you may please contact Dr. Vivek Vijay ( & 0291- 2449007).
• Any changes in Address, Phone numbers or e-mail should be promptly communicated to OIC, Recruitment Office.


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