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Walk in interview for the post of Pharmacist (3 posts) in NRHM

Clinical research courses

Walk in interview will be conducted for filling up the followingp post of at Head Quarter Office of National Rural Health Mission, Haryana purely on contract basis initially up to 31.03.2014 details as mentioned below

Post: Pharmacist

No. of Post: Three

Date of Interview: 30.07.2013

Remuneration: 11900/- month consolidate

1. Diploma in Pharmacy recognized University / Board of Technical education.
2. Registered with State Pharmacy Council, Haryana.
3. Computer proficiency of high level.
4. 2 (Two) years relevant work experience.
B Pharma from recognized University registered with registered with pharmacy Council of Haryana.

Age Limit.: Not more than 40 years

Note: The written test & the computer proficiency test will be conducted and the short listed candidates will interviewed.

Important Instructions:-
1. The interested candidate may check details/TOR from our website
2. Teh application should reach the NRHM officed upto 10.00 am on respective date of interview.
3. No TA/DA will be paid for interview.
4. Full particulars along with contract No. postar address with pin code, two passport size photo and attested copies of education qualification & experience should be attached with the application form.
5. Name of post and place for which applied should clearly be state in application.
6. Number of posts can be increased or decreased by the NRHM.
7. Post of reserve category wiil be filled up as per Haryana Govt. poricy.
8. For any enquiry contact to Director Administration (NRHM)


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