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Required for Assistant Professor - Pharmacy in Osmania University

Clinical research courses

Osmania University, established in 1918, is the seventh oldest in India, the third oldest in south India and the first to be established in the erstwhile princely state of Hyderabad. Throughout its existence of over eight decades, it has shown remarkable progress and sustained an integrated development of all faculties. It has significantly contributed to the academic and economic development of not only the region but also of the Country. Its alumni have distinguished themselves nationally and internationally in various spheres of life and are spread far and wide around the world.

Post: Assistant Professor

It is hereby notified that Assistant Professor (Contract) in Chemical Engineering/ Food Technology/ Pharmacy are required to teach the students of M.Tech and B.Tech of Chemical Engineering, Food Technology and M.Pharmacy (Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Analysis & Quality Assurance for the academic year 2013-2014.

Interested eligible candidates are required to attend WALK - IN - INTERVIEW on 24th July, 2013 (Wednesday) at 2:00 P.M at the Seminar Hall of the college along with their biodata, original and xerox copies of the certificates.

The eligibility criteria are as per AICTE/UGC norms for the respective subjects.
These are purely on temporary and tenured positions and the remuneration is as per the University rules.


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