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Recruitment of Scientists National Fungal Culture Collection of India

Clinical research courses

Agharkar Research Institute (ARI) is an autonomous, grant-in-aid research institute of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Goverment of India. It was established in 1946 by the Maharashtra Association for the Cultivation of Science as MACS Research Institute and renamed as ARI in 1992 in honour and memory of its founder Director, late Professor S.P. Agharkar.

Applications are invited from eligible Indian nationals for two posts of Scientist `C' (NFCCI) in Pay Band-3 Rs.15600-39100 + Grade Pay Rs.6600 and admissible allowances.

Post: Scientist `C'

(i) 1st Class M. Sc. in Botany/Mycology/Plant Pathology/ Biotechnology/ Life Sciences
(ii) 4 years research experience in exploration, collection from field, in-vitro culturing, handling pure cultures of micro and macrofungi, their identification using conventional and/or molecular tools as evidenced by publications in reputed journals.

Desirable: Ph.D. in Botany/Mycology/Plant Pathology/ Biotechnology/ Life Sciences

Job Requirements: In-vitro culture, morphological and molecular identification/ characterization of micro and macrofungi using conventional and modern molecular tools and techniques, in-vitro culturing, optimization of culture conditions for their long term preservation and maintenance.

General conditions:
(1) Age limit 40 years, relaxable by 3 years for OBC & 5 years for SC/ST candidates & Employees from Govt./Semi Govt./Autonomous Bodies applying through proper channel. Further age relaxation may be considered in case of exceptionally deserving and highly experienced candidates.
(2) Apply in the prescribed format available on the Institute’s website, along with self attested copies of qualifications, certificates, Passport size photograph, caste certificate issued by competent authority (for reserved category) up to 14.08.2013.
(3) The Institute may restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview to a reasonable limit, on the basis of qualifications and experience.
(4) Canvassing in any form and/or bringing in any influence political or otherwise will be treated as a disqualification for the post.
(5) No interim enquiries will be entertained.



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