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Opening for JRF/SRF/RA in JNU

Clinical research courses

The JNU campus is a microcosm of the Indian nation, drawing students from every nook and corner of the country and from every group and stratum of society. To make sure that this is so, annual admission tests are simultaneously held at 37 centres spread across the length and breadth of the country, and special care is taken to draw students from the underprivileged castes and ethic groups by reserving 22.5 percent of seats for them. Overseas students form some 10 percent of the annual intake. Students' hostels and blocks of faculty residences are interspersed with one another, underlining the vision of a large Indian family.

Post: Senior Research Fellow, JRF/SRF/RA

Applications are invited for the following Research positions

1. Senior Research Fellow (SRF) in the DBT project entitled Evaluation of Neuroprotective potential of Fisetin in Ageing and Experimental model of Epileptic rat Brain.
Qualifications:- As per DBT rules.
M.Sc. in Zoology/Physiology/Biomedical Sciences or related field of Animal Science preferably Neuroscience with some research experience in the relevant field or minimum one publication OR M.Phil in the specified field of Neuroscience.
Fellowship/Salary: 18000+ HRA (30%)

2. JRF/SRF/RA in the CSIR project entitled Response of Seizures, their susceptibility & Severity to the process of Ageing and Neurosteroid Dehydroepiendrsteron Sulphate (DHEAS) in an Animal model of Post-traumatic Epilepsy.
For JRF: M.Sc. in Zoology/Physiology/Biomedical Science or related fields of animal sciences with 55% marks with NET/GATE qualified.

For SRF: M.Sc. in any of above mentioned subjects with two years research experience in relevant field with minimum one publication OR M.Phil

For RA: Ph.D degree in the afore mentioned / related field of animal sciences

Desirable qualification (For post 1 & 2): Candidate having experience in neuroscience with hands on training in electrophysiological, biochemical, molecular and behavioral techniques will be given preference.

Duration ( for both post 1 & 2): Three years. Initial appointment will be for one year, extendable by another successive years depending on the progress of the candidate

Fellowship/Salary As per CSIR rules

Last date:- Application on plain paper along with bio-data should reach the under signed latest by AUGUST 20, 2013. Applications should be sent separately for both the positions. Only those sent by post will only be entertained

Principle Investigator
321, School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi-110 067 (email-


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