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Job for Junior Research Fellow in NITR

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited on prescribed format for the following assignment in a purely time bound research project undertaken in the Department of Chemistry of the Institute.

Post: Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

Name of the Research Project: “Synthesis of Multifunctional Magnetic Mesoporous Hollow Spheres:  Application in Cancer Therapy”

Name of the Sponsoring Agency: Department of Atomic Energy, BRNS

Tenure of the Project : 03 Years 5

Tenure of the Assignment: 03 Years

Job Description: Laboratory experiments in nanomaterial synthesis, characterization and application in drug delivery.

Consolidated monthly compensation / Fellowship: Rs. 16,000/- (1st & 2nd year), Rs.18,000/- (3rd year)

Essential Qualifications and experience: M.Sc., in Chemistry with minimum 65% or 7.00 CGPA

Desirable Qualifications/ Experiences: GATE/NET qualified candidates or Candidate having research experience will be given preference.

Accommodation: Bachelor accommodation in the Institute may be provided subject to availability.

For technical information on the project, the candidate may contact the Principal Investigator at the following address:
Name: Dr. Bibekanand Mallick
Address: Department of Chemistry
N.I.T., Rourkela-769 008

Eligible persons may apply in the prescribed format (available in the Institute Website) affixed with coloured photographs to be submitted in duplicate along with photo copies of relevant certificates, grade/ mark sheets, publications etc., to Asst. Registrar, SRICCE, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela–769 008 on or before 30.07.2013. The cover should be super- scribed clearly the post applied for & Name of the Project.

Mere possession of minimum qualification does not guarantee invitation to the interview. Candidates will be short listed based on merit and need of the project.



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