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Job for Pharmacist, MPHW(M) in Office of the CDMO, Nabarangpur | 75 Posts

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited for the following categories of posts on contractual basis (against regular vacancy) for the district of Nabarangpur

Post: Pharmacist, MPHW(M)

Name of the Post: Pharmacist
No. of vacancy: 01 (ST)
Scale of pay: Rs. 5200/- P.M.
Essential Qualifications:
(a)Must have passed +2 Science or equivalent examination.
(b)Passed D.Pharma examination from any Govt. recognized intuitions of Odisha
Date of verification of documents and selection d: 19.07.2013

Name of the Post: MPHW(M)
No. of vacancy:
74 ST-16, SC-12, SEBC-21, UR-25
1. One post rooster Sl.No 1-ST to 14-SEBC reserved for PWD (PH) Blind,
2. One post from rooster Sl.No 29-SEBC to 42-SC reserved for PWD (PH) Deaf
3. One post rooster Sl.No 43-SEBC to 56-UR reserved for Sports person
4. One post from Roster point Sl.No 57-SEBC to 70-ST is reserved for PWD(PH) OH category
Scale of pay: Rs. 5200/- P.M.
Essential Qualifications:
(a)Must have passed CHSC or equivalent examination.
(b)Passed D.Pharma examination from any Govt. recognized institutions of Odisha
Date of verification of documents and selection d: 20.07.2013

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* The undersigned reserves all right to modify/cancel the recruitment without assigning any reason thereof.
* The candidates are to submit the applications in the prescribed format which may b e downloaded from the district website duly signed.
* The Xerox copies of the certificates & mark sheet should be self attested by the candidate.
* The candidates should verify their names in the website from 15th July to 18th July 2013 and report for their verification of certificates and selection in dates fixed as above and report 10 AM.
* No TA/DA will be allowed for the purpose.
For detail information, application, qualifications age limit and selection procedure will be available in the district website:-

Applications are invited for the following categories of posts on contractual basis (against regular vacancy) for the district of Nabarangpur.

  • Last date of receiving application:- 10.07.2013
  • Screening of application by 15.07.2013
  • Scrutinized date of eligible candidate in the district website:- 15.07.2013 to 18.07.2013
  • (
  • Verification of original documents by selected candidates on the dates noted against each category of posts.
  • Candidates working under NRHM in this district need not apply.


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