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Job as Consultant in NRHM

Clinical research courses

Application for filling up the following posts for HSHRC (which is a body working in tendem with NRHM Haryana) on contract basis are invited by Executive Director, HSHRC, Panchkula initially up to 31.03.2014 extendable further on year to year basis till project period with details as mentioned below:-

Post: Consultant

No. of Post: One

Remuneration: Rs. 30,000 to 40,000/- per month based on qualification and experience

Required Academic Qualifications and Experience:
BDS/BAMS with Post Graduate degree or PG Diploma in HealthCare Management/ Administration from a recognized institute/University.
B. Pharma with MBA (Pharma) from a recognized institute/University.
Minimum experience of 1 Year of working in Health Sector is essential. Computer Proficiency in commonly used packages is preferable. Excellent communication and presentation skills, analytical, interpersonal skills, excellent oral and written communication skills in English.

Age Limit: 40 yrs

Important Instructions:
(i) Last date for receiving applications is 08-08-2013 upto 4:00 p.m.
(ii) No TA/DA will be paid for coming for interview.
(iii) Participants to provide two references who can verify the credentials
(iv) Application with full particulars and contact no. with Pin code, two Passport size photo and attested copies of Educational/ Technical qualification & experience should be attached with the application.
(v) No application received in HSHRC office after the last date will be considered. The HSHRC will not be responsible for any postal delay.
(vi) Name of post should clearly be stated in application.
(vii) Number of Posts can be increased or decreased by the HSHRC.
(viii) Post of reserve category will be filled up as per Haryana Government policy.
(ix) Details are also available on NRHM website
(x) Proforma for giving basic information be downloaded from the NRHM website and


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