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Applications are invited for the post of Pharmacist (8 posts) in Pt. B. D. Sharma Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences

Clinical research courses

Applications are invited for the following temporar y posts but likely to be continued of Pt. B. D. Sharma Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Rohtak and Pt. B. D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak on the prescribed form obtainable from the HDFC Bank, Model Town Branch, Rohtak on cash payment of Rs.300/-for General Category and Rs.100/ - for Reserved Categories candidates or by crossed Indian Postal Order in the name of the Controller of Finance, Pt. B. D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak by post. Candidate must clearly state the name of the post for which form is required and also give his/her name and address in block letters. If the form is requir ed by post, a self-addressed envelope (23x10 cm) duly affixed postal stamp of Rs.6/-may be sent alongwith request.

Post: Pharmacist

No.of post: 08 (GC-03, GC-ESM-01, Spl. B.C-01, Eco. B.C.-01, SC-01, BC-A-01)

Pay Band:- 9300-34800+3200 Grade Pay(likely to be r evised to Grade Pay of Rs. 3600/-

Qualification & Experience:-
i) 10+2 with Science subject.
ii) B. Pharmacy from an Institute approved by Pharmacy Council of India & All India Council for Technical Education.
iii) Registered as Pharmacist with Haryana State Pharmacy Council.
iv) Knowledge of Hindi/ Sanskrit upto Matric Standard.
v) Preference will be given to higher qualification.
Age : 17 to 40 years.

Note:- The Qualification & Experience, Pay Band & G rade Pay for the post of Pharmacist & Assistant Librarian is subject to approval of Ex ecutive Council, UHS Rohtak

Lower and upper age limit for the posts is shown a gainst each category. Upper age limit is relaxable by five years for candidates of S.C/ S.T, B.C, Special B.C including Economically Backward Classes recogn ized in Haryana, by ten years for Physically Handicapped fo r the reserved category posts only, ESM Age relaxat ions as per Haryana Govt. rules and in certain other cases as per Haryana Govt. instructions issued from time to time on the subject. More detailed information is available in the “Instructions for candidate” which will be supplied alongwith the application form.

The candidates who are already working on contract basis will be given relaxation in age to the exten t of their contract service rendered in this institution only provided they fulfill the required qualificat ion and experience for the particular post.

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The applications complete in all respects must rea ch Assistant Registrar (Recruitment Cell) Universit y of Health sciences Rohtak on or before the closing date. Submission of incomplete application & received after the closing date will not be entertained. The Universit y will not be held responsible for any postal delay s or loss of application.

1. The candidate who is already in Govt./Semi Govt./Corporation or Autonomous Body Service should apply through proper channel and he/she may send his/her advance copy of application to avoid delay but the application through proper c hannel should reach in due course of time or produce ‘No Objection Certificate’ at the time of i nterview otherwise he / she will not be allowed / considered for interview.
2. Submission of incomplete application form i.e. w ithout attested copies of testimonials/academic certificate/ experience certificate or unsigned app lication form etc. may render the candidate ineligible.
3. The number of posts is liable to increase or dec rease either way, including complete withdrawal without assigning any reason.
4. The abbreviation G.C. stands for General Categor y, S.C. for Scheduled Caste, and B.C. for Backward Classes, Eco.B.C. for Economically Backwar d Class, Spl. B. C. for Special Backward Class, PH for physically handicapped and E SM for Ex-S erviceman.
5. The reserved posts are only meant for Haryana Do micile.
6. The posts of reserved categories will be filled up as per latest Govt. instructions applicable issued from time to time.
7. In case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Cas te and Backward Class category applies against General Category post he/ she should fulfil l the condition of eligibility regarding age/application fee etc. as are meant for General C ategory candidates as per Govt. Instruction.
8. If the applications are received more than three times against the advertised posts then the candidates may be called for interview after holdin g the written/ screening test or on the basis of marks of relevant academic qualifications, in the r atio of 1:3. However, for the single post, the candidate may be called for interview in the ratio of 1:5. The decision of the appointing authority in all matters relating to acceptance or rejection of application, eligibility / suitability of the candidates, mode and criteria for selection etc. will be final and binding on the candidates.
9. The employees already working on contract basis in this institution may appear for written/ screening test wherever applicable; however, they m ay be given opportunity to appear for the interview
10. The prescribed qualification, experience & the age limit shall be reckoned as on closing date of the receipt of the application.

Closing Date: 12-8-2013

Advt. No. 1/2013


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