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Invited M.Pharm./ M.Tech./ M.V.Sc for the Senior Research Fellow position in ILS

Clinical research courses

An Associate Institute of the University of Hyderabad, the Institute of Life Sciences (ILS) is a not-for-profit institute that aims to conduct innovative research in unifying areas of chemistry, biology and chemical biology. Our goal is to create and foster a research culture where chemists and biologists work together to generate original ideas, and generate experimental data which can lead to novel therapies for human disease and an improvement in quality of life. Training future generations of scientists working at the interface.

Applications are invited for the Senior Research Fellow position to work on the following research project.

Post: Senior Research Fellow

Project: Developing and validating a single protocol based zebra fish model for preclinical safety assessment of nanotherapeutics

Funding Agency: Department of Biotechnology (DBT)

Minimum Qualification: M.Pharm./ M.Tech./ M.V.Sc. in Pharmacology/ Toxicology

Experience: Experience in zebrafish husbandry, management and toxicological evaluations. Good knowledge of toxicology/pharmacology. Good communication skills.

Fellowship: As per government norms

Duration: For the duration of project (maximum 3 years)

Application Process: Interested candidates can send their curriculum vitae via e-mail to Please mention “Zebrafish Toxicology SRF” as subject in your application email.

Application Deadline: 31 July 2013

Selected candidates will be called for a personal interview (No TA/DA will be paid to participate in the interview process or to join the project).


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